Playing Hard to Get

Giving your new results away too soon

[W]here do you announce your results first: in the title? In the abstract? In the introduction? Or, in the results paragraph? If you wait to long your paper will become a whodunit and readers will get bored and stop reading your paper. If the clue of your paper is already in the title you might fear that many of your readers will only read your title and will then go on to read the next paper.

It depends on the type of paper, but I think you generally give your main result in the abstract. The paper gives the details of how you did it, context and information about other related research (but not in that order)

0 thoughts on “Playing Hard to Get

  1. Agreed. It’s tough to fit a result into a title without making it too long. I think an abstract should pretty much always include a succinct statement of the main results.