They Don't Know the Words

The Incredible Beauty of Hummingbirds in Flight

OK, Pedantic man says they are stills, and hummingbirds hover, so they’re not really showing flight.

Here’s one I took a few years ago. Not quite as high resolution, because didn’t (don’t) have a zoom lens that zooms in very much, so this is just a cropped portion of the photo.

0 thoughts on “They Don't Know the Words

  1. What’s the fluid you used? It looks red. In my hummingbird feeder, I just mix sugar and water, so it’s clear. Just curious. Cheers.

  2. The lower part of the feeder is made of red plastic. The liquid above is clear. It’s hard to see that at this lower resolution.

  3. Thanks, mate. That makes sense. Also, FWIW, I got all pedantic on myself after the correction I made and wished I had used the word “solution” instead. 😀