This is what happens when you tell a nerd to write poetry.
‘Twas a warm summer day in La-La Land,
Fields of grass swayed lazily in the breeze,
The cool wind made ripples in ponds quite grand,
Cattle grazed quietly in the tall trees.
Fields of wildflowers, cover’d in white snow,
Were drinking from the ice-cover’d river.
High up in the grasses was a white crow.
The moon resembled a small cheese sliver.
The townspeople, dressed in parkas, were out
To round up their herds of longhorn llamas;
The honey bees were beginning to sprout,
Searching for fresh floral-print pajamas.
Another normal day in La-La Land,
Said mister Dali to his melting hand.
Those who do not get the Salvador Dali reference should go check Wikipedia. And those who are Googling to see if I plagiarized this sonnet: 5th period. I was Hamlet.