Category Archives: General Mathematics

GCHQ release Turing papers

In order to mark the centenary of Alan Turing’s birth, two of his mathematical research papers, believed to have been written whilst he was at Bletchley Park during World War II, have been released by GCHQ to The National Archives.

Due to the sensative nature of the work done at GCHQ, the papers were not released earlier.

We are delighted to release these papers showing more of Alan Turing’s pioneering research during his time at Bletchley Park. It was this type of research that helped turn the tide of war and it is particularly pleasing that we are able to share these papers during this centenary year.

GCHQ spokesperson

The two papers are called “Paper on Statistics of Repetitions’ and ‘The Applications of Probability to Crypt’.

Paper on Statistics of Repetitions

In this paper Turing writes an informal report in which he works out the best statistical method of testing whether two cipher messages use the same key in parts of the message.

The Applications of Probability to Crypt

In this second paper, Turing applies rigorous probability analysis to coding problems of the day. One highlight is where Turing uses life expectancy to examine conditional probability. The associated example, “Hitler is now age 52”, adds piquancy and suggests that the paper was written between April 1941 and April 1942.


GCHQ Press Release

Frontiers Lectuer: Alain Connes

Last night (18th April) I attended a talk given by Prof. Alain Connes as part of the The Learned Society of Wales Frontiers lectrures. The talk was entitled “The spectral point of view on geometry and physics”.


The talk was very interesting and not too technical. Prof. Connes outlined his philosophy that the physical word should be described by spectral data. This idea really leads to the notion of noncommutative geometry, something Prof. Connes is well-know for.

Connes philosophy comes from many facts of physics. For example, our knowledge of the shape of the Universe comes from spectra data, the red shift and the CMBR. The meter is defined in a natural way in terms of the wavelength of the krypton-86 emission.

The key idea

The question that Connes really tackled was can we understand geometry spectrally? Connes was motivated by the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, which gives topological data about a space from analytical data about operators on that space.

The fundamental idea is that one can restate Riemannian geometry in terms of the spectra of the Dirac operator on that geometry. The topological (smooth) structure of the manifold is recovered from the algebra of (smooth) functions and the metric structure from the spectra of the Dirac operator.

One can then understand a smooth manifold with a Riemannian metric in terms of an algebra of functions and an operator acting on them.

Note that we do not need the notion of points in this spectal description. In fact, this reformulation of Rienamnnian geometry allows one to define metrics on non-commutative spaces, which are really just algebras.


One of the main hopes of Connes reformulation of Riemannian geometry is that, via non-commutative geometry, one can classically unite the standard model of particle physics with general relativity in a geometric way. In doing so, it may be possible to construct a unified theory, but Connes is not at that stage.

As it stands, Connes theory does not quite match the standard model and there is also the problem of Lorentzian signature metrics. Not having positve definite metrics almost always makes details of the mathematics tricky.

This should not distract from the fact that Connes is a pioneer of non-commutative geometry and mathematically his work is very important.

The talk itself

Connes is a good and entertaining speaker. If you get chance to listen to him, you should take it.

Learn maths by doing maths

Teachers should allow pupils to learn maths by using it rather than focusing on abstract concepts, says an expert.

Judith Burns, Education reporter, BBC News

Mathematics has a reputation of being very hard to learn. It is true that mathematics is a difficult subject that is multilayered and involves abstract thinking. This is compounded by the way in which mathematics in the UK is taught. Quite often it is difficult to see how mathematics is relevant to the everyday world.

For those of us that know, we see mathematics all around us.

Professor Dave Pratt of the Institute of Education argues that teaching methods should help the students engauge with mathematics and see how it is used. Mathematics is not just pure abstract thinking, but is a powerful tool to be employed in many contexts and this should come across in the teaching of the subject.

Read the BBC news report here.

Women in Mathematics Day

The next Women in Mathematics Day is going to be on the 27 April 2012 at De Morgan House, 57-58 Russell Square, London. This event is organised by the London Mathematical Society

The speakers are:

  • Jennifer Scott (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) Challenges from a large sparse world
  • Rachel Camina (Cambridge) The influence of conjugacy class sizes
  • Christina Goldschmidt (Oxford) The scaling limit of the critical random graph

Find out more here.

Poor numeracy is a national problem

Poor numeracy is blighting Britain’s economic performance and ruining lives, says a new charity launched to champion better maths skills.

Judith Burns Education reporter, BBC News

National Numeracy, which a a UK based charity, reports that poor many people are struggling with their daily lives such as understanding payslips, train timetables and shopping bills. Low standards in numeracy is a problem not only at a personal level, but also for the national economy.

A badge on honour

As a nation us Brits are not ashamed to state that we “cannot do maths”. I find this very strange. It is true that mathematics is a hard subject that encompasses lots of abstract ideas, but here we are really talking about basic numeracy. People are quite happy to tell you that they did very badly in maths at school, but seem less so with other subjects.

For example, not being able to read and write is considered shameful. People will go to quite some lengths to hide the fact they cannot read. The same cannot be said of basic numeracy skills.

In my opinion this has to change. It must nationally be seen as important to have basic numeracy skills.

We need to find imaginative ways to switch them [school children] on to maths and teach them to be proud to be numerate.

Rachel Riley, presenter of TV’s Countdown

Rachel is absolutely right here. School children should be excited by mathematics and its power, not ashamed and being seen as a nerd.

The Research

The Skills for Life survey (2011) measured the numeracy levels of 16 to 65 year-olds in England. Without going into any detail, there appears a strong link with general “quality of life” and poor numeracy skills. For example earnings and overall education are lower if you have poor numeracy skills.

Rather than just quote the study, have a look at the analysis by National Numeracy here.

We have a bit of a chicken and the egg situation going on here. Is it the social problems coursing the low educational aspirations or vice versa?

My final analysis

It does seem true that low numeracy skills are not only a personal issue but a much greater social and economic one. It is important that as a nation we address this and see low numeracy skills in individuals as the system failing them.


BBC News report

National Numeracy homepage

The Alan Turing Year-2012

Just a reminder that this year is The Alan Turing Year. Turing was born in London on the 23th June 1912.

There is just about no area of science that Turing has not had some impact on in some way. I think he is best known for his pioneering works in computer science.

In a wider context Turing is famous for his code breaking work during the second word war at Bletchley Park. After the war he worked at the National Physics Laboratory creating the designs for ACE, which was a very early electronic stored-program computer.

In 1948 Turing joined the Computing Laboratory at Manchester.

Turing’s story after that is quite sad. He was prosecuted for homosexual acts in 1952, he was given a chemical castration after that. He died of cyanide poisoning on 1954. The verdict of the inquiry was suicide.

You can find out lots more about Turing’s influence on mathematics and science at the official The Alan Turing 2012 homepage.

Other Links


Andrew Hodges’s page

The MacTutor biography

Felix Alexandrovich Berezin: the first supermathematician

Berezin (25 April 1931 – 14 July 1980) was without a doubt the first person to really work with supermathematics, that is mathematics with commuting and anticommuting variables. His worked paved the way for mathematicians and theoretical physicists.

Berezin also made many important contributions to quantisation, he is best known for the notion of integration with respect to Grassmann variables and the generalisation of the determinant to a “super-determinant” known as the Berezinian.

Alexander Karabegov, Yuri Neretin and Theodore Voronov [1] have written a survey of Berezin’s work which has appeared on the arXiv.

Their survey concentrates on Berezin’s contributions to representation theory, the general concept of quantization, and supermathematics.


[1] Alexander Karabegov, Yuri Neretin, Theodore Voronov. Felix Alexandrovich Berezin and his work. arXiv:1202.3930v1 [math.HO].

A duality between the Ricci and energy-momentum tensors

I don’t claim this to be new, the earliest reference I can find is Baez and Bunn [1], though I am sure the idea is older than that.   The claim is that there is a kind of duality in the Einstein field equations between the Ricci tensor and the energy-momentum tensor. That is one can in essence switch the roles of the Ricci tensor and the energy-momentum tensor in the field equations.  I will assume familiarity with the  tensors and the field equations.

Lets see how this works. Recall the Einstein field equations in 4d

\(R_{\mu \nu}{-} \frac{1}{2}g_{\mu \nu}R  + g_{\mu \nu} \Lambda = \kappa T_{\mu \nu} \),

here \(\kappa = \frac{8 \pi \: G}{c^{4}}\) is the gravitational constant

and of course  \(R:= R_{\lambda}^{\:\: \lambda}\).

The field equations imply that

\(R_{\mu}^{\:\: \mu} {-} \frac{1}{2} g_{\mu}^{\:\: \mu}R_{\lambda}^{\:\: \lambda} + g_{\mu}^{\:\: \mu} \Lambda = \kappa T_{\mu}^{\:\: \mu} \).

We assume that we are in 4d thus

\(g_{\mu}^{\:\: \mu} =4\).

One could consider other dimensions, but things work out clearer in 4d and anyway this is where classical general relativity is formulated.

Thus we arrive at

\({-}R_{\mu}^{\:\: \mu} = \kappa T_{\mu}^{\:\: \mu} {-} 4 \Lambda\).

Now using this result in the field equations produces

\(R_{\mu \nu} = \kappa \left(  T_{\mu \nu}{-} \frac{1}{2}g_{\mu \nu}T_{\lambda}^{\:\: \lambda}\right) + g_{\mu\nu} \Lambda \).

Now divide by the  gravitational constant to write the field equations as

\(T_{\mu \nu} {-} \frac{1}{2} g_{\mu \nu}T_{\lambda}^{\:\: \lambda} + g_{\mu \nu} \left(  \frac{\Lambda}{\kappa}\right) = \left(\frac{1}{\kappa}\right)R_{\mu \nu} \).

Comparing the above with the original form of the field equations we see that we have a kind of duality given by

\(R \rightarrow T\)

\(T \rightarrow R\)

\(\Lambda \rightarrow  \frac{\Lambda}{\kappa} \)

together with the inversion of the gravitational constant,

\(\kappa \rightarrow \kappa^{-1}\).

I some sense we have done nothing. Both forms of the Einstein field equations are equally valid and describe exactly the same physics. The difference, as I see it is that the second form, this “dual form”, is better from a geometric perspective.

In particular the Ricci curvature tensor has a clear geometric origin.  Via the   Raychaudhuri equation, the Ricci tensor (for a Lorentzian signature metric) measures  the degree to which near by test particles will tend to converge or diverge.

Then one can then paraphrase the Einstein field equations as

The degree test particles tend to converge or diverge  in time is determined by the matter content  + the cosmological constant.

I am not aware of any such nice interpretation of the Einstein tensor.

Another interesting point is that one gets at the vacuum equations very quickly with this “dual form”.  Just “turn off” T.

The real question here is “does this duality have a deeper meaning?”. This I really do not know.  It would also be interesting to understand if any technical issues can be addressed via this “duality” and how this really helps us understand gravity.

My literature hunts needs to continue…


[1] John C. Baez & Emory F. Bunn. The Meaning of Einstein’s Equation. Amer. Jour. Phys. 73 (2005), 644-652. Also available as  arXiv:gr-qc/0103044.



The alternative form of the field equations is also presented in Wolfgang Rindler’s Essential Relativity, revised second edition, 1977.  So the idea is old and I am sure to be found in other books.

Mathematics the langauge of Physics

It is a rather indisputable fact for physicists that mathematics really is the correct language   of physics.  Without mathematics one could not formulate physical theories and then make prediction to be tested against nature.  Indeed, the formulation of physical theories has required the development of new mathematics.  Theoretical physics is really the construction of mathematical models to describe nature.

Even the experimentalist cannot avoid mathematics.  One has a lot of analysis of results and statistics  to preform in order to make sense of the experiments.

It is rather clear then, that without mathematics one will not go very far in physics. Any understanding of nature is going to be rather superficial without some mathematics.

A little deeper than this I believe that mathematics is more than just a language for physics, or indeed all science. The structures, patterns and rules of mathematics can guide one in constructing/analysing theories. The notion of symmetry is so fundamental in modern theoretical physics and at its heart is group theory.  Understanding physics can be driven my mathematical beauty. Given a new theory the first question to ask is what are the symmetries?

One has to ask why mathematics is the language of the physical sciences? Can we understand why mathematics has been just so useful and powerful in structuring our understanding of the Universe?

Eugene Wigner in 1960 wrote an article The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences which was published in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics.  Wigner argues that mathematics has guided many advances in the physical sciences and that this suggests some deep link between mathematics and physics far beyond mathematics simply being a language.

A very extreme version of this deep interconnection is Max  Tegmark’s mathematical universe hypothesis, which basically states that all mathematics is realised in nature.  What this hypothesise also suggests is that the Universe really is mathematical. We uncover this mathematical structure rather than impose it on nature. This would explain Wigner’s “unreasonable effectiveness”.

We are now close to having to think about the philosophy of mathematics and in particular Platonism. I am certainly no big thinker on philosophy and so will postpone discussion about the philosophy of mathematics.

I would not go as far as to say I believe in Tegmark’s hypothesis, but it is for sure an interesting and provocative idea.  It certainly makes one think about the relation between mathematics, physics  and the nature of our Universe.


Wikipedia Links

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences

Mathematical universe hypothesis

Number theory and numerology

In a similar way to the historical link between  astronomy and astrology the subjects of number theory and numerology are also  linked.  The very early impetus for number theory was numerology.  The Pythagorean  school (500BC) were interested in the philosophical and mystical properties of numbers. Plato was influenced by this and mentions numerology in his works, notably The Republic (380BC).  Judaism ,  Christianity and Islam all have elements of numerology.

Number theory itself is probably older than this and goes back  almost to counting and simple arithmetic in  prehistory.

In the same way as astronomy developed into a science, so did number theory.

Definition Number theory is the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of numbers, usually the integers, rational numbers ,  prime numbers etc.

Definition Numerology is the study of the supposed relationship  between numbers, counting and everyday life.

There is another kind of numerology that is the study of numerical coincidences. This happens a lot in physics, where a series of apparent coincidences  can occur between various rations of physical constants or physical observables.

The famous example of this is Dirac’s large number hypothesis which enforces a ration between the cosmic scale and the scale of fundamental forces. Dirac’s hypothesis predicts that  Newton’s constant is varying in time. There has been some work in understanding the implications of physical constants changing in time.

Although Dirac’s hypothesis is the most famous, it was Eddington and Weyl who first noticed such numerical coincidences.

The trouble is that this cannot really be called science.  Physics is all about mathematical models that can be used to explain physical phenomena.  Noticing numerical coincidences by itself does not really add to our understanding of nature.  One would like to explain the  coincidences clearly and mathematically within some theory.  Generally these coincides are interesting, but it is not clear how they are fundamental. Of course, this is apart from those that are really just due to our choices in units etc.

Number theory also has some intersection with physics. Recently there has been some considerable crossover between   arithmetic and algebraic geometry  and string theory (via modular forms largely). I will have to postpone talking about this.