Category Archives: General Mathematics

The idea of a proof

In an earlier post I talked about the notions of a lemma, a theorem, a proposition and a corollary. There is in truth, not much difference. So, now I want to say a few informal words about the notion of a proof.

A proof is a demonstration that if some statements are true, or assumed to be true (i.e. axioms), then some other mathematical statement or statements are necessarily true.

A proof is based on deductive reasoning; if “something” then “something”. All proofs employ logic, though most proofs in mathematics will employ informal logic, rather than formal logic which is the subject of proof theory, a subject I know little about.

The rigor and style of a proof will vary mathematician to mathematician as well as subject to subject. The main thing is if you produce a proof of some statement in some area of mathematics then it should be of a style and at the level of rigor accepted by the mathematicians working in that area.

The key thing about a proof is that it should cover all cases as specified by the statement. “Proofs” that establish the statement for only a fraction of the possible cases will not establish the statement for all cases.

Once a statement is proved it is rather “cast in stone”. It is an unshakable fact that is absolutely true now, as well as always having been true and will always be true.

That all said, mathematicians are human and mistakes can creep in as well as loopholes due to the level of rigor. Worse than that we have Gödel’s incompleteness theorems, but lets forget all about that and another possible complications.

Inductive reasoning
Proofs of statements follow from previously established statements or statements taken to be true.

Discovering a new statement does not always follow in a deductive fashion from earlier statements, though the full proof will. Often the reasoning is more inductive following the creation of specific examples and weakening restrictions on earlier statements.

The discovery of new mathematics can be inductive, but the presentation of new mathematics is usually deductive.

Finding examples to show that a statement is true, is in my opinion quite important. Also counter examples can be very illustrative. One can certainly build a picture of what is going on that way and build confidence in ones ideas, but only an exhaustive presentation of all the possible cases would constitute a proof. In practice this can simply be impossible; for example one could not prove a theorem on prime numbers that way as there is an infinite number of prime numbers!

An example where an exhaustive exploration of all possible cases is possible is the four colour theorem which has 1,936 cases. The theorem was proved in 1976 by Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken using a computer. There proof is the first proof constructed using a computer that has been generally accepted.

Constructive and nonconstructive proofs
A proof of some statement may just constitute the establishment that a required mathematical object exists. The proof may not give you any indication about how to construct such an object: these proofs are usually to do with “pure existence theorems”.

This is the difference between constructive and nonconstructive proofs. The first gives you the required object explicitly, while the latter only establishes that such an object exists.

One can then argue how “useful” a nonconstructive proof is if you cannot actually find the object required. That said, one may only really need to know that it exists to establish further mathematics.

A proof should be illustrative
Hopefully you have a watertight proof of some statement. That is the main thing, however a proof should also make it clear why the statement is true. Not only will this make your statement clearer, but also it might allow further generalisations of your statement very directly.

Final remarks
There is a lot more to proofs than I have said here, there is a whole branch of logic devoted to the notion of proof. For most working mathematicians proof theory, as it is known, would be “overkill”. Most proofs are, in accordance with proof theory, informal proofs which employ some logic and natural language, but not the full machinery of logic.


Public domain image by Peter Valberg

It is probably worth comparing mathematics with the empirical sciences with the notion of a proof in mind, but that is a post for another time.

Heidelberg Laureate Forum


The first Heidelberg Laureate Forum is going to place on September 22-27, 2013. The forum aims to bring together the best students and early stage researchers in mathematics & computer science with winners of the most prestigious awards in these disciplines – Abel, Fields, and Turing Laureates.

Applications to attend must be submitted by the 15th February 2013. Please see the website below for details.


Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Lemma, Theorem, Proposition or Corollary?

A student recently ask me about to explain what mathematicians mean by a corollary, so I thought I would quickly explain here.

confused student
Image by

The four labels given by mathematicians to statements that can be shown to be true are Lemma, Theorem, Proposition and Corollary. They all basically mean the same thing: some mathematical statement that is true, given some starting axioms or previous true statements. Showing that these statements are true constitutes a proof. I will say something about proofs another time.

Everything I say here will be rather informal.


A lemma is some statement that can be shown to be true, starting from some previously accepted statements, that is used to show that some other statement or statements are true.

In essence, a lemma is a “stepping stone” to some other statement or statements that are regarded more important in the current context.

However, lemmas can turn out to be very important statements in many cases. They often develop some line of attack that can be applied to a wider context than they were originally intended. Some of the most famous results in mathematics are lemmas.


A theorem is some statement that can be shown to be true, starting from some previously accepted statements.

This is almost the same as a lemma, but a theorem is deemed to be of primary importance within the context it is established. Though note that one theorem can be used to prove another theorem, so the distinction between lemma and theorem is loose.

You can find a list of theorems here.


A proposition is some statement that can be shown to be true, starting from some previously accepted statements.

Hang on a moment, is this not just the same as a theorem?

In short, yes a theorem and a proposition are the same thing. Though, and this is rather subjective, a theorem is deemed to be a more important result than a proposition.

So the distinction between a lemma, a theorem and a proposition is rather loose.


A corollary is some statement that is true, that follows directly from some already established true statement or statements.

Typically, a corollary will be some statement that is easily derived from a theorem or a proposition. Often corollaries are “specialisations” of a theorem or a proposition. They key thing is they follow naturally from some established statement.

But again, this is not really any different to a theorem or proposition, or indeed a lemma if the corollary is used to establish some other statements.

In conclusion

So we see that the distinction between a lemma, a theorem, a proposition and a corollary is not very strict and depends largely on the context as well as the whims of the mathematicians writing papers.

One man’s lemma is another man’s theorem.

"Brackets" by Janusz Grabowski

Prof. Grabowski has placed a review of the various brackets found in geometry and physics [1]. He also covers some of the ideas of superalgebra and graded differential geometry as many of the brackets really have their roots there. The review is based on a mini-course held at XXI Fall Workshops on Geometry and Physics, Burgos (Spain), 2012.

I have posted here about the review here as it contains a lot of the background material needed to understand my own research. In particular I am interested in brackets found in supergeometry, including super versions of Poisson, Jacobi and Loday brackets.


Rather generally, a bracket is understood as a non-associative operation on a vector space or a module. The principle example here is a Lie bracket. The review focuses on Lie brackets, such as Poisson and Jacobi brackets as well as Loday brackets, which are a non-skewsymmetric generalisation of a Lie bracket.

Interestingly, various forms of brackets arise in a wide context in contemporary mathematics. For example, Poisson brackets are found in classical and quantum mechanics as well as the theory of cluster algebras and geometric representation theory.

Prof. Janusz Grabowski


Prof Grabowski is Head of the Department of Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry at the Institute of Mathematics within Polish Academy of Sciences.

His personal homepage can be found here.


[1] Janusz Grabowski, Brackets, arXiv:1301.0227 [math.DG], 2012.

Deloitte Report – Measuring the Economic Benefits of Mathematical Science Research in the UK

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) published a report it commissioned from Deloitte. This report is the first study of its kind to quantify the economic value of mathematics research in terms of the employment and its contribution to the UK economy.

The report estimates the contribution of mathematics to the UK economy in 2010 to be

  • 2.8 million in employment terms
  • and £208 billion in terms of GVA

That is about 10% of all jobs in the UK and 16% of total UK GVA.


Economic growth

Mathematics helps drive economic growth across wide sectors including finance, computer services, pharmaceutical and defense. As science and engineering, as well as other sectors for example banking, collate and wish to analyses larger and larger data sets, mathematics and statistics will become ever more vital to this country’s economy.

Without mathematics there would be no smart phones, MRI scanners, new medicines, aeroplanes or bank accounts.

Deloitte Report

Weather forecasting

Weather forecasting relies on heavy mathematical tools and extensive computation. Mathematicians play a rather pivotal role in weather forecasting and modelling.

Around 2,000 mathematicians are employed by the UK Met Office to analyse and evaluate vast amounts of atmospheric trends and information.
The UK is regarded in the meteorological industry as a talent hub with many institutions choosing to locate research facilities in the

Deloitte Report


Mathematical sciences research: leading the way to UK economic growth

An executive summary can be found here (opens PDF)

A new post-16 mathematics curriculum focused on real problems

Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI) has been asked by Michael Gove (Secretary of State for Education) to develop a mathematics course aimed at sixth formers that focuses on real world problems.


Image by Sweetness46

As compared to other countries, the UK has relatively low participation on mathematics past 16. The idea is for students who would be unlikely to study A-level mathematics, to continue to study mathematics past GCSE along side other subjects.

Professor Timothy Gowers, of Cambridge University, in his blog, wrote about teaching mathematics to non-mathematicians with the focus on real problems. Many of these ideas will be incorporated into the MEI syllabus.


Professor Timothy Gowers

Professor Tim Gowers’s brilliant blog has sparked huge interest in how we could radically improve maths teaching. I am delighted that MEI is trying to develop the Gowers blog into a real course that could help thousands of students understand the power of mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Michael Gove

A sample problem

A doctor tests a patient for a serious disease that one in ten thousand people have. The test is fairly reliable: if you have the disease, it gives a positive result, whereas if you don’t, then it gives a negative result in 99% of cases. So the only problem with it is that it occasionally gives a false positive. The patient tests positive. How worrying is this?


Expanding post-16 participation in mathematics: Developing a curriculum to promote mathematical problem solving, MEI press release (opens PDF)

The late Daniel Quillen

Notices of the AMS (November) contains a 15 page obituary to Daniel Quillen (1940-2011), written by some rather large names in mathematics, including the late Loday.


Quillen is most famous for his contributions to algebraic K-theory, for which he was awarded the Cole Prize in 1975 and the Fields Medal in 1978.


My first exposure to the ideas of Quillen was via his superconnection [1]. The notion of a superconnection can be thought of a a generalisation of a vector bundle connection in which we replace the connection one-form with an arbitrary, but Grassman odd (pesudo)differential form. (I’ll be slack on details, but you can read more here and here). Superconnections in many respects seems the more natural thing to consider in the context of supermanifolds than the classical vector bundle connections.

The original algebraic formulation of superconnections as differential operators on the algebra of differential forms with values in endomorphisms of a \(Z_{2}\)-graded vector bundle is due to Quillen. He introduced the notion as a way to encode the difference of the chern characters of two vector bundles, largely motivated by topological K-theory.

The geometric understanding came much later in the work of Florin Dumitrescu [2]. The relation between parallel transport along superpaths and superconnections on a vector bundle over a manifold are made explicit in that work.


AMS Notices (opens PDF)


[1] Daniel Quillen, Superconnections and the Chern character, Topology, 24(1):89–95, 1985

[2] Florin Dumitrescu, Superconnections and Parallel Transport, arXiv:0711.2766v2 [math.DG], 2007.

Cauliflower and fractals

Researchers have published a mathematical formula to describe the processes that dictate how cauliflower-like fractals form [1].


The team grew thin films using a technique known as chemical vapour deposition (CVD). They adapted the CVD process so that the film would grow into shapes similar to those seen on a cauliflower. These structures were on the submicron scale.

From this work the team were able to derive the formula which describes how the cauliflower-like patterns develop over time.

Theory verses Experiment

Below are some graphics comparing the theory with experimental observations. The close agreement is clear.


Taken from the paper [1], courtesy of IOP publishing


[1] Mario Castro et al (2012) Universality of cauliflower-like fronts: from nanoscale thin films to macroscopic plants New J. Phys. 14 103039 (online here)


IOP News

Mathematics at the workplace

The National Numeracy Challenge, organised by charity National Numeracy, plan to reach one million adults over a five-year period, starting with those at work, but with plans to expand in order to reach those not in employment or education.

Poor numeracy is a blight on individuals’ life chances and we believe that employees will be as keen as their employers to improve their skills. With 17 million people in need of help, this is just the beginning. Our initial targets are actually quite modest, but we are in this for the long term.

Chris Humphries, National Numeracy chair

UK government figures state:

  1. 17 million people of working age in England had at best the numeracy skills expected of children at primary school.
  2. over 8 million of these adults had the skills expected of 7-9 year-olds or younger.

The equivalent figures for literacy are 5 million and 2 million respectively.


The Challange

Employers will be asked to making a commitment to raise the skills of all their employees to at least Level 1: about the standards expected of 14-year-olds. In some sectors, employers may feel that Level 2 is a more appropriate target: equivalent to GCSE A*-C.

My personal opinion

As a mathematician I see a lot of interesting problems and rich structures within mathematics. However, this is not what the Challenge is talking about. Basic mathematics and as part of that numeracy, should be seen as a fundamental skill.

I am not talking about advanced calculus or noncommutative algebras, but the basic skills needed in everyday life. This includes simple things like making sure you can budget your money, read bus timetables, follow recipes in in cookbooks, understanding bills and so on.

I welcome any scheme that aids with the populous’ numeracy skills.


The National Numeracy Challenge

Grisha Perelman in Playboy

I HAD NEVER BEEN ON A STAKEOUT, but I knew how it was done. I took a book. I brought a few sandwiches. I flipped on the radio and listened to the traffic report in Russian. That kept me awake as I waited for the mathematician.

Brett Forest in Playboy July-August 2012 issue.


Perelman in August 2006 was awarded the Fields Medal for “his contributions to geometry and his revolutionary insights into the analytical and geometric structure of the Ricci flow.” He turned down the medal and prize.

Then on 18 March 2010, it was announced that he had met the criteria to receive the first Clay Millennium Prize for resolution of the Poincaré conjecture. Again he turned this down.

Perelman clearly shuns publicity…

Grigori Perelman is one of the greatest mathematicians of our time, a Russian genius who solved the Poincaré Conjecture, which plagued the brightest minds for a century. At the height of his fame, he refused a million-dollar award for his work. Then he disappeared. Our writer hunts him down on the streets of St. Petersburg.



Shattered Genius by Brett Forest