Category Archives: Physics

Opportunity Physics; fundraising campaign

physics The Institute of Physics will start a fundraising campaign Opportunity Physics which aims to raise £10m over 5 years. The money will be used to continue and extend the activities of the Institute both in the UK and abroad.

The official launch of the campaign, will be hosted by Professor Brian Cox and IOP president Professor Sir Peter Knight, on Monday 23 September 2013.

Why raise funds?

At the point where increased funding is needed to scale up our work, there are uncertainties about the sustainability of our main revenue stream which has come from IOP Publishing. It is prudent to plan for the change in funding landscape by raising funds now.


The campaign aims
In short there are four areas the IOP wants to focus on; discovery, society, economy and education.

The campaign aims can be found here (opens pdf)

Fundraising campaign, IOP website.

Professor Jeff Forshaw wins Kelvin medal and prize

jeff Professor Jeff Forshaw of the University of Manchester has won the 2013 Kelvin medal and prize awarded by the Institute of Physics. The medal is for Prof. Forshaw’s wide-reaching work aimed at helping the general public to understand complex ideas in physics.

Prof. Forshaw has written two popular science books; “The quantum universe” and “Why does E=mc^2”, both with Brian Cox.


2013 Kelvin medal and prize, IOP website

Jeff Forshaw’s homepage

Professor Copeland wins Rayleigh Medal and Prize

ED Professor Edmund Copeland of the University of Nottingham has won the 2013 Rayleigh Medal and Prize as awarded by the Institute of Physics.

Professor Copeland was awarded the prize for his work on particle/string cosmology from the evolution of cosmic superstrings, to the determination of the nature of Inflation in string cosmology and to constraining dynamical models of dark energy and modified gravity.

A personal note
I first met Professor Copeland back in 2005 when was at the University of Sussex. I was there studying for my masters degree. He then, in the same year moved to Nottingham to establish the Particle Theory Group.

2013 Rayleigh Medal and Prize, IOP website.

Prof. Copeland’s homepage

Do all useful mathematical ideas really come from physics?


Image by Saeed.Veradi

Some one once remarked to me that all the important ideas in mathematics come from physics. After a little thought I tend to agree, and for sure many important topics in mathematics have their roots in physics or at least quickly found applications in physics.

Below are some examples of the branches of mathematics that have clear physical applications as well as being of independent interest. The list is by no means complete, in no particular order and will reflect my own interests. Also I will not be at all technical here.

The theory of partial differential equations
This is just so encompassing, I was not sure how to include it! A partial differential equation (PDE) is a differential equation in unknown multivariable functions and their partial derivatives. PDEs are used to model a huge range of phenomena such as sound, heat flow, electromagnetic waves, fluids, the vibrating string, classical fields, superconductivity and so on.

As many branches of mathematics employ tools from differential calculus just about every mathematician will come across a PDE of some kind in his work. I cannot begin to list where the theory PDEs come in useful.

What should be remarked is that not all PDEs have nice solutions that can be expressed in terms of elementary functions. One will often need to turn to numerical methods to solve PDEs.

All the other branches listed below have some interface with PDEs as they are so universal.

Symplectic geometry and classical mechanics
Symplectic and Poisson geometry is essentially the study of manifolds equipped with Poisson brackets; that is a particular kind Lie algebra structure with a Leibniz rule. The study of such structures is fundamental in understanding the Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics; classical phase spaces carry such Poisson brackets.

Such geometries have become a large subject of study and also have found applications in diverse areas of mathematics. For example, geometric representation theory, non-commutative geometry, integrable systems and the theory of Lie algebroids have found much use for ideas found in Poisson geometry.

Riemannian geometry
This is loosely the study of spaces, that is manifolds, with the local notion of the length of a path as well as areas and volumes. One should think of Riemannian geometry as a very broad generalisation of the geometry of surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^{3}\).

Although Bernhard Riemann’s initial work on the subject predates Einstein’s special and general relativity, Riemannian geometry is fundamental in the formulation of relativity. Indeed general relativity, that is Einstein’s theory of gravity as the local geometry of space-time, remains a large motivator for the study of Riemannian geometry.

One should also note that Riemannian geometry has proved useful in group theory, representation theory, algebraic topology and so on.

Functional analysis
Here we have the study of vector spaces equipped with some extra structure such as an inner product or a norm, and operators on such vector spaces. Such structure allows one to think about limits. Functional analysis has its roots in the study of function spaces and transformations on them like the Fourier transform. The main focus of functional analysis is the extension of the theory of integration and probability to infinite dimensional spaces.

The notion of a Hilbert space, which is an infinite dimensional vector space with an inner product, if fundamental in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Spectral theory of operators on Hilbert spaces, which is part of functional analysis is very important in quantum physics. In particular the algebras of operators on such spaces is deeply linked with physics…

Operator algebras
Really this too can be seen as part of functional analysis. An operator algebra is (loosely) an algebra of linear operators on an infinite dimensional vector space. From a physics point of view operator algebras are found behind the quantum statistical mechanics, axiomatic quantum field theory and non-commutative generalisations of space-time.

Group theory
Group theory can be thought of as the abstract study of symmetry. Many physical systems exhibit symmetries, such as crystal lattices, molecules as well as the much more complicated symmetries that can be found behind electromagnetic theory. The representation theory of groups, “representing groups by linear operators on a vector space”, has fundamental applications in physics and chemistry. For example, all the fundamental particles in nature are classified by the representations of the Poincare group, which is the group describing the symmetries of flat space-time.

Group theory itself is a huge subject, which applications throughout pure and applied mathematics. For example, group theory has been very influential on the development of differential geometry and abstract algebra.

Combinatorics is the study of finite or countable discrete structures. Loosely combinatorics is about counting the number of elements of some structure. The Fibonacci numbers are a classical example here.

Combinatorics has strong applications in algebra, probability theory, number theory and topology. From the physics side of things we see combinatorics appearing in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory.

Help the IOP make the case for science


Members of the Institute of Physics have received an email letter from Beth Taylor, Director of Communications and International Relations, Institute of Physics, about the run up to the UK government’s spending review. I have reproduced the letter below with the permission from the Institute of physics.

The letter

Dear Member,

In the lead-up to the Government’s spending review, due to be announced on 26 June, IOP has been working along with many other organisations to support the case for increased investment in science and innovation.

Among other initiatives, we have produced a series of case studies which demonstrate the value of our research to the UK economy, showing how breakthroughs come to impact on our daily lives. Physics: Transforming Lives was launched at a reception at the House of Commons on 6 June, and is available from our website.

IOP has also responded to a consultation on the spending review from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, urging the government to commit to increased investment in science and innovation as a proven source of economic growth.

We welcome the emphasis placed by the Chancellor in recent statements on the importance of investment in science, and believe this government does recognise the return it offers. As many of our competitors continue to increase research funding, the UK needs a science and research budget that grows in real terms, and that balances support between curiosity-driven research and investment in innovation, if we are to retain our strength in research and promote growth in science and technology-based businesses.

Institute members can support us in getting this message across via their MPs –by writing to them directly or attending a constituency surgery – either requesting their support for science before the spending review, or asking them to react to it afterwards.

Yours sincerely,

Beth Taylor
Director of Communications and International Relations,
Institute of Physics

For non-members
Even if you are not a member of the Institute of Physics you too can still join in the effort to support British science. Write to your MP to make sure they get the message; Science is vital to our nation.

Physics and our daily lives

Physicsl The Institute of Physics, together with the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Science and Technology Facilities Council, have prepared a series of case studies entitled Physics: Transforming lives. (Follow the link below)

In the document several sectors are reviewed showing how physics research has been instrumental in developing every day technologies.

Physics: Transforming Lives (Opens PDF)

Importance of physics stressed to the UK’s politicians IOP NEWS

97 per cent of climate scientists agree…

fossil fuels John from wikipedia A study of 4000 abstracts of peer-reviewed papers published in the past 21 years that state a position on global has revealed an astonishing consensus; 97% of these endorsed the position that we are seeing anthropogenic global warming (AGW)[1].

Warning Science is not a democracy in the sense that if most scientists agree, then it must be correct.

Also note;

  • 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW.
  • 32.6% endorsed AGW.
  • 0.7% rejected AGW.
  • 0.3% were uncertain about the cause of global warming.

Study reveals scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change, IOP News

[1]John Cook et al (2013), Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature, Environ. Res. Lett. 8 024024

Hofstadter's butterfly experimentally seen

butterfly Hofstadter’s butterfly is a fractal pattern that describes the behavior of electrons in a magnetic field. Such a fractal was predicted by Douglas Hofstadter, which he described in 1976 [1]. It is a very rare example of a fractal arising from quite fundamental physics.

However, all earlier attempts to experimentally observe see this pattern were unsuccessful. The wonder material graphene, first made by Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov from the University of Manchester in 2004, came to the rescue…

For the first time ever a teams from Columbia University, the University of Manchester and MIT have experimentally observed this pattern [2,3,4].


Plot of electron density (horizontal axis) versus magnetic-field strength from data obtained by the Columbia team. (Courtesy: C R Dean et al. Nature 10.1038/nature12186)

Follow the link below to find out more.

Hofstadter’s butterfly spotted in graphene,

[1] Douglas R. Hofstadter (1976). “Energy levels and wavefunctions of Bloch electrons in rational and irrational magnetic fields”. Physical Review B 14 (6): 2239–2249.

[2] C. R. Dean et. al, Hofstadter’s butterfly and the fractal quantum Hall effect in moiré superlattices, Nature (2013) doi:10.1038/nature12186

[3] L. A. Ponomarenko et. al, Cloning of Dirac fermions in graphene superlattices, Nature (2013) doi:10.1038/nature12187

[4] B. Hunt et. al, Massive Dirac fermions and Hofstadter butterfly in a van der Waals heterostructure, arXiv:1303.6942 [cond-mat.mes-hall]