IOP Special Report on India

As we are all aware India has one of the fastest growing and largest economies in the world. The economy of India is the tenth-largest in the world by nominal GDP and the third largest by purchasing power parity (PPP) (see here).

Indian scientists are not short of money. They have a space program (Indian Space Research Organisation) as well as a nuclear arsenal.

On that note, Great Britain will be phasing out financial aid to India by 2015, instead focusing on technical assistance (BBC News). To me personally, that makes sense and will be of benefit to both Indian and British scientists.

The IOP Report
The Institute of Physics (IOP) have written a report on India.

For today’s leading physicists in India, money for research is thankfully not in short supply. But as this Physics World special report makes clear, what India currently lacks is a critical concentration of highly capable scientists who can really make the country a world leader in research and boost the nation’s innovation. This special report shows, however, that India is starting to tap the country’s true potential through a series of bold educational initiatives and novel research facilities. I hope you find this report stimulating and please do e-mail your comments to

Matin Durrani, Editor of Physics World



Special Report India

Physics World’s special report discovers that India is starting to tap the country’s true potential through a series of bold educational initiatives and novel research facilities.

Stephen Hawking wins special physics prize

Special Fundamental Physics Prizes have been awarded to a team of seven scientists who led the efforts at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and, separately, to Stephen Hawking for his discovery that black holes radiate.


These two awards highlight how strong a role British physicists play on the world stage. From the three British-based physicists leading efforts at LHC – Lyn Evans, Michel Della Negra and Tejinder Singh Virdee – to Stephen Hawking, we should rightly cherish our nation’s strength in physics.

Professor Sir Peter Knight, President of the Institute of Physics.

Black holes are not black!
In 1975 Hawking published a paper with a rather surprising result: if one takes into account quantum theory black holes are not quite black. Rather, a black hole glows slightly due to “Hawking radiation”, which consists largely of photons and to a lesser extent other particles.

The corresponding temperature is

\(T \approx \frac{1.227 \times 10^{23} }{M}\) Kelvin, and here the mass is in KG.

Because of this, the temperature would only be significant for very light black holes. For example, a 30 solar mass black hole has a temperature of about \(2\times 10^{{-}9}\) Kelvin and the corresponding luminosity is about \(10^{{-}31}\) Watts. Bigger black holes would hardly radiate at all. This would be completely swamped by other sources of radiation including the CMBR.

Evaporation of a micro black hole
Black holes get the energy for the Hawking radiation from their rest mass. So, assuming nothing is falling into the black hole, a radiating black hole will be loosing mass. For astrophysical black holes this loss will be miniscule. The evaporation time for a black hole of 30 solar masses is about \(10^{60}\) times the age of the Universe!

For much much smaller black holes Hawking radiation could lead to compete evaporation. For example, a black hole with the mass of about a mountain could evaporate in a time scale that is less than the age of the Universe.

However, no-one is really sure what happens to a black hole near the end of its evaporation.

The black hole information paradox
Classically, there are only three things we can know about a black hole; its mass, its angular momentum and its electric charge. These are the only parameters that describe a classical black hole. I paraphrase this as “black holes do not care what they eat”.

No matter what properties the matter that falls into a black hole has, say baryon number or lepton number, the black hole classically only cares about the mass, angular momentum and electric charge. All the other information is hidden inside the black hole away from the rest of the Universe.

So now suppose our black hole evaporates and disappears. An important property of Hawking radiation is that it is thermal: that is completely random. The information content of a black hole (what it has eaten!) appears to be lost when it dissipates.

What happens to this information is a far from understood question in physics.

Hawking’s work on black hole radiation has posed more questions about nature than it has really answered. That is the true sign of great work.

Fundamental Physics Prize Foundation News

IOP News

Sir Patrick Moore passes away

Today at 12:25 Sir Patrick Moore passed away peacefully at his home in Selsey, West Sussex.


Patrick presented the BBC’s The Sky At Night for over 50 years, making him the longest-running host of the same television show in history.

He counted himself as a writer and broadcaster first and foremost, but as Britain’s most recognisable scientist for more than 50 years, he inspired countless people to take up astronomy as a hobby or astrophysics as a career.

Chris Lintott

Astronomy has lost one of its heroes and the country has lost an institution. Our thought are with his friends and family.


BBC News report

Sir Patrick Moore: Chris Lintott’s tribute

IOP's Response to the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement

“George Osborne, Vince Cable and David Willetts clearly recognise the value that science can unlock for society, but it’s important to remember that investment in science is a long-term commitment. It starts in schools, through higher education into research and to industry, but the pay-off is that we know it delivers growth and jobs to the UK.”

Response to the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement

Deloitte Report – Measuring the Economic Benefits of Mathematical Science Research in the UK

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) published a report it commissioned from Deloitte. This report is the first study of its kind to quantify the economic value of mathematics research in terms of the employment and its contribution to the UK economy.

The report estimates the contribution of mathematics to the UK economy in 2010 to be

  • 2.8 million in employment terms
  • and £208 billion in terms of GVA

That is about 10% of all jobs in the UK and 16% of total UK GVA.


Economic growth

Mathematics helps drive economic growth across wide sectors including finance, computer services, pharmaceutical and defense. As science and engineering, as well as other sectors for example banking, collate and wish to analyses larger and larger data sets, mathematics and statistics will become ever more vital to this country’s economy.

Without mathematics there would be no smart phones, MRI scanners, new medicines, aeroplanes or bank accounts.

Deloitte Report

Weather forecasting

Weather forecasting relies on heavy mathematical tools and extensive computation. Mathematicians play a rather pivotal role in weather forecasting and modelling.

Around 2,000 mathematicians are employed by the UK Met Office to analyse and evaluate vast amounts of atmospheric trends and information.
The UK is regarded in the meteorological industry as a talent hub with many institutions choosing to locate research facilities in the

Deloitte Report


Mathematical sciences research: leading the way to UK economic growth

An executive summary can be found here (opens PDF)

Learning R

I have decided to improve my computer skills and in particular learn a little R.


R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues.

This sounds great. According to the R website, R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display. What makes R useful to me is the fact that it is a programming language (conditionals, loops, recursive functions etc) with built-in operators for calculations with matrices.

Other people like R for its data handling and analysis tools.

Some graphics

Among other things, R is quite good with graphics. Look at this example taken from the R website.




Along side R, I will be using RStudio.

RStudio is a free and open source integrated development environment for R. You can run it on your desktop (Windows, Mac, or Linux) or even over the web using RStudio Server.

My Plans

So, learning R is going to be a weekend project for fun, rather than a serious project. As I manage to develop some code, hopefully with some nice graphics, I will post them here. I imagine a lot of the code will be adapted from peoples existing codes and I will try to give credit as best I can.

If you know of any good resources to help me learn R, then please feel free to share them here. As I find useful websites I will link to them.


The R Project for Statistical Computing

RStudio IDE

University applications down

According to Ucas admissions figures,   13,000 fewer applications were received  up to mid-November as compared with last year.  This represents a drop of  8% compared with the same point last year.

The government should now finally admit that its higher education policies are having a significant impact on application behaviour.

We have always said that students and their families aren’t walking calculators capable of working out how much they are likely to repay based on hypothetical future earnings. Regardless of the repayment terms and the small print, students were always going to be deterred by £9,000 tuition fees.

Liam Burns, president of The National Union of Students

Data about previous years can be found at the Ucas website here.


BBC news report

An interview with Dr Helen Czerski

Dr Helen Czerski, Physicist and oceanographer, is a well-known BBC science presenter. Her work includes the major BBC2 series ‘Orbit: Earth’s Extraordinary Journey’, broadcast in March 2012. Recently she filmed Operation Iceburg for BBC2 and is a contributor to Dara O’Briain’s Science Club.


She agreed to answer a few questions I had…

Science and Popularisation

What first got you involved in science, and in particular physics?

I don’t really feel that I ever “got involved” – it was just something I did and was interested in. I’m lucky that my parents encouraged us to experiment with the world in a non-pushy way – if I said “what happens when you do that?”, they’d just say “well, let’s try it and see”. I must have shown some specific interest in physics early on because my mum bought me a copy of “A brief history of time” when I was 10 or 11. But I was interested in all sorts of things, like dinosaurs and making stuff from clay, building treehouses, environmental issues, baking and languages. My parents just encouraged us in whatever we were interested in, and the strongest and most important message I ever got from them was “do your best”. That’s crucial – they weren’t bothered about whether we succeeded or not, but they valued trying things out. And they wanted us to be happy far more than they wanted “success”.

As time went on, I think that I chose to read a lot of popular physics books, and I knew from fairly early on that my interested tended towards the sciences. But I very consciously took every opportunity to study other things, because I felt that I’d do enough science later on.

How did you get involved in the popularisation of science? 

Well, going right back, I remember giving a talk on atomic physics to the local women’s group (which my mother was part of) when I was 17. So I suppose that counts as the first time I did anything like that. My Dad has always said that I’m a natural teacher, and when I was younger that mostly came out in the sports coaching that I did. During my PhD, I got involved in doing demonstrations during National Science and Engineering Week, and that led to other public lectures and talks. I was always happy to share my enthusiasm for science, and if that meant fun demos, so much the better!

Which medium  do you think is the most effective at popularising science?

There is no one medium, because what you say is not anywhere near as important as what your audience hears. If you say something in a format that your audience doesn’t see, it’s pointless. So the most effective medium is whatever your audience finds most convenient, and that’s different for every individual. Obviously, tv has a huge reach, but the ways that people get information are changing over time. I think that the one thing that will always be popular is seeing an enthusiastic and charismatic individual in person, and being brought into the world of the human being who is standing right in front of you. In an ideal world, we wouldn’t have “science popularization” because everyone who works or uses science and technology would naturally share their knowledge of it with the people around them, and that would be the most effective way of encouraging enthusiasm for science.

What, in your opinion, should be the ultimate goal of science popularisation?

To dispense with the need for conscious science popularization. It’s not a phrase I like. I think that we need science to be part of our culture just like music, literature, art, politics and economics, and we can all have some level of natural curiosity about it. I would love everyone to appreciate science as an important and fascinating part of their world, and to be able to find out as much about it as they liked. In an ideal world, it would be valued appropriately, and it wouldn’t be necessary to “popularize” it.

What were the challenges for you  during the filming of Operation Iceberg?

Being in between two worlds. Usually, in that environment, I’m there either because I’m doing my own experiment or I’m there because I’m filming a tv programme. This time, I was halfway – slightly more on the tv side of things, and without an experiment that I was responsible for by myself. I found that very odd – it was like being the only person in the room who spoke two languages when everyone else only spoke one or the other.

We really enjoyed science club, did you enjoy making it?

The studio days for science club have been some of my favourite days this year. It really is like an inclusive club of fun people, and everyone has something interesting to contribute.

Are we going to see a lot more of you on the BBC?

I’m working on a couple of other programmes at the moment. The one I’m spending most of my time on at the moment is a BBC4 programme all about bubbles.


Can you say a few words about your research?

I study the bubbles underneath breaking waves, and how they break apart and join together in different conditions. This is important because these bubbles act as a transport mechanism between the atmosphere and the ocean, and we need to understand the small-scale mechanisms contributing to global-sized transport effects. I like it because it’s physics that happens on a scale that you can see. My lab experiment is the size of a bench, and you can really see what’s happening. I’m much more interested in phenomena that I can see directly, rather than quantum mechanical things that I can’t experience directly, or cosmological things that are far too far away ever to touch. What gets me going is “the physics in the middle”.

Which one of your papers are you most proud of, and why?

I was the first person to measure the thickness of the coating surrounding an ocean bubble in situ. All ocean bubbles are coated with a thin layer of organic material (effectively natural bubble bath), and it controls a lot of their behaviour but it’s hard to measure. You can’t take the bubble out of the water to look at it directly. I used a combination of acoustical and optical techniques to estimate the coating thickness while the bubble was still in the ocean, from a data I collected in the Pacific. I like it because it was a novel use of experimental data, and I hadn’t thought that I could make that measurement before I collected the data. It was a minor eureka moment when I realized that I could.

What are the major questions faced today in you area of research?

The biggest question is how to integrate all the many effects that work together to influence how our planet works. There are too many for any one person to be able to hold them in their head. How do we manage the data so that we can still get insights into what it means? How do we integrate all the biological, chemical, physical and geological data to test our models accurately? When data sets are too big for a human to hold them in their mind, we lose the human’s amazing ability to recognize patterns. How do we compensate for that?

Anything else?

I think that the world around us is full of physical toys – everyday things that we are completely used to, but which are each an amazing demonstration of some scientific principle. You don’t need to go to far away places or use special microscopes to see fascinating things. They’re all around you. The world would be a richer place if everyone got a bit better at looking at everyday phenomena and asking a few more questions than normal.

About Helen


Helen is a Physicist, oceanographer and broadcaster with a passion for science, sport, books, creativity, hot chocolate and investigating the interesting things in life. She currently works at the Institute for Sound and Vibration Research in Southampton, and is a science presenter for the BBC.

You can find out lots more about Helen via her website.

Paul Frampton sentenced for drug smuggling

Paul Frampton, a physicist from the University of North Carolina, was sentenced to four years and eight months in prison after being found guilty of drug-smuggling on November the 21st.


Paul Frampton

Frampton (68) got into trouble, rather naively, after flying from North Carolina to Bolivia, where he was planning to meet a 32-year-old Czech-born lingerie model Denise Milani. He believed he had been chatting with her on the internet.


Denise Milani, image courtesy of FHM

She did not show up, instead he was met by a man. This man then asked him to take “Milani’s” suitcase to Buenos Aires, where she would then meet up with him. There is no evidence that Milani knew her persona was being used in this way.

Frampton then tried to board a plane back to the US at which point he arrested after airport-security officials discovered the cocaine inside a false lining of the suitcase.

Frampton has always claimed that he was innocent of the drug-smuggling charges. He insists that the cocaine was placed into the luggage without his knowledge.

Despite health issues while locked up, Frampton continued to supervise his two current PhD students by phone and managed to place preprints on arXi.


IOP News

Help Paul Frampton

FHM Magazine

Students to march in London

DEMO 2012, organised by The National Union of Students is going ahead today in London. It will be the first national student protest since the troubles over tuition fees two years ago.

Thousands of students are marching through the streets of central London today against the impact of government reforms to further and higher education.

NUS website


NUS website

Random thoughts on mathematics, physics and more…