Supersymmetry remains elusive

Results from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN point show that the rare B-meson to a muon and antimuon decays are consistent with the standard model. It was hoped that the details of these rare events would provide evidence of supersymmetry, at least for energies up to 8 TeV.

Researchers working on the LHCb experiment announced their results on Monday at the Hadron Collider Conference in Kyoto. A preprint is available on the arXiv.

However, this is not actually inconsistent with supersymmetry, the measurements are still compatible with some supersymmetric theories. For example, Prof. Gordon Kane argues that models based on superstring compactifications are quite compatible with the LHCb results. You can read more about this here.

The energy of the collisions at the LHC will be increased from the current 8 TeV to 14 TeV, which will be engineered over the 2013–2014 shutdown. It is possible that signals of supersymmetry may be found at this higher energy.

Right now it seems that the standard model has again passed at the tests, which include he discovery of the Higgs and the details of the rare B-meson decays.

Klingon style cloaking device, now a little closer

Invisibility cloaking devices have been the subject of science fiction for a long time; for example the famous Klingon and Romulan devices of Star Trek.


Image courtesy of

This started to become reality in two papers in 2006. John Pendry of Imperial College London and David Schurig & David Smith of Duke University laid out the theory of “transformation optics” in [1]. Shortly after the principle was demonstrated using microwaves [2].

Perfect cloaking?

No-one so far has created a perfect cloaking device that works in a range of frequencies. Although one can make an object invisible, reflections from the cloak make the scene a little darker and the presence of the object is clear.

Now Nathan Landy & David R. Smith [3] have developed a diamond-shaped cloak, with properties carefully matched at the diamond’s corners, so that light passes around the cloak completely with no reflections.

Here, we design and experimentally characterize a two-dimensional, unidirectional cloak that makes no approximations to the underlying transformation optics formulation, yet is capable of reducing the scattering of an object ten wavelengths in size. We demonstrate that this approximation-free design regains the performance characteristics promised by transformation optics.

Extracted from the abstract of [3]


It would be very difficult to extend this technique to visible light, so hiding large objects from our view is a little way off. However, microwaves are important in telecommunications and it is possible that cloaking devices could be applied here.


[1] J. B. Pendry, D. Schurig, D. R. Smith, Controlling Electromagnetic Fields, Science 23 June 2006:
Vol. 312 no. 5781 pp. 1780-1782.

[2] D. Schurig, J. J. Mock, B. J. Justice, S. A. Cummer, J. B. Pendry, A. F. Starr, D. R. Smith, Metamaterial Electromagnetic Cloak at Microwave Frequencies, Science 10 November 2006: Vol. 314 no. 5801 pp. 977-980

[3] Nathan Landy & David R. Smith, A full-parameter unidirectional metamaterial cloak for microwaves, Nature Materials (2012) doi:10.1038/nmat3476

IOP comments on George Osborne’s speech

Professor Paul Hardaker, Institute of Physics  Chief Executive, has commented on a speech made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, at the Royal Society, London.


George Osborne,Chancellor of the Exchequer

It is really encouraging to know that the Chancellor of the Exchequer recognises the central role that science can play in creating robust economic growth for the UK. The proposed framework for capital investment includes some key features that will be vital to keep this country at the forefront of innovation and research.

Paul Hardaker


Institute of Physics comments on George Osborne’s speech at the Royal Society (IOP News)

Another dimension to Latin America

Dimensional regularization, that is compute in “4 + ε space-time dimensions” and take the limit ε→0 at the end, is a powerful tool in quantum field theory. In fact, Veltman and ’t Hooft won the 1999 Physics Nobel Prize, for dimensional regularization and its application to Yang-Mills theory. The work of Veltman and ‘t Hooft dates back to 1971 and was published in 1972 [3].

However, the original idea may have come from two physicist working in Argentina. According to Wolfgang Bietenholz & Lilian Prado, it was Juan Jose Giambiagi and Carlos Guido Bollini [1] in a paper submitted before Veltman and ‘t Hooft, who first proposed dimensional regularization [2].

The paper of Giambiagi and Bollini, although submitted for publication earlier, was actually published after the paper of Veltman and ‘t Hooft.

Juan José Giambiagi (1924 – 1996)

Read the short preprint by Bietenholz & Prado, which is available on the arXiv, for more details.

Carlos Guido Bollini


Juan José Giambiagi (ICTP biography)

Carlos Guido Bollini (Fundación Konex)

[1]Wolfgang Bietenholz & Lilian Prado,40 Years of Calculus in 4 + epsilon Dimensions,(2012) arXiv:1211.1741v1 [physics.hist-ph]

[2]C.G. Bollini and J.J. Giambiagi, Lowest order ‘divergent’ graphs in n-dimensional space, Phys. Lett. 40B (1972) 566-568.

[3] G. ’t Hooft & M. Veltman, Regularization and renormalization of gauge fields Nucl. Phys. B44 (1972) 189-213.

Indian monsoons may regularly fail in the future

New research suggests that the rate of failure in Indian summer monsoon will increase over the next two centuries, due to global warming [1].

The Indian farmers rely on the monsoons to disperse freshwater on agricultural land. Failure of the summer monsoons could be very detrimental to India’s economy.

Walker Circulation

The Walker circulation is a vast loop of winds that influences climate across much of the globe, including the Indian summer monsoons.


Image courtesy of NOAA

Walker circulation describes the air flow in the tropics in the lower atmosphere. The Walker circulation is generated by the pressure gradient that results from a high pressure system over the eastern Pacific ocean, and a low pressure system over Indonesia.

El Niño

The Southern Oscillation is the natural variation in the temperature of the surface of the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean and the surface air pressure. This occurs across the tropical Pacific Ocean roughly every five years. The extremes of this climate pattern’s oscillations, El Niño (warm) and La Niña (cool), cause extreme weather events across many regions of the world.

The Walker circulation brings areas of high pressure to the western Indian Ocean, bringing the monsoons. However, in years when El Niño occurs, the winds get shifted eastward, bringing high pressure over India and the effect is to suppress the monsoons.

The predictions

Jacob Schewe and Anders Levermann simulations suggest that as temperatures increase in the future, the Walker circulation, will on average bring more high pressure over India; even though the occurrence of El Niño doesn’t increase.

The effect of this will be an increase in the occurrence of monsoons failing to form and an increase in drought across India.


Jacob Schewe and Anders Levermann (2012), A statistically predictive model for future monsoon failure in India, Environ. Res. Lett. 7 044023


Indian monsoon failure more frequent with warming, IOP News

University finances could be hit by fall in applications

The Higher Education Funding Council for England (Hefce) has just published a report Financial health of the higher education sector 2011-12 to 2014-15 forecasts [1] outlining English universities’ finances.

In the report they highlight risk factors, which include:

  • fall in student recruitment and retention in an increasingly competitive market
  • failure to manage student number control
  •  further unanticipated public spending cuts
  • failure to achieve growth in overseas fee income
  • changes to visa regulations resulting in reduced overseas student demand
  • failure to comply with UKBA requirements resulting in removal of ability to sponsor non-EU students.


Income predictions


The outcome

Overall, the finances of English Universities are predicted to be generally sound, at least up to 2014-15. The report however highlights just how dependent the sector is on student numbers and student retention. And this is at a time of introducing higher fees, generally low levels of graduate employment and a financial crisis.

Non-EU students pay the highest fees and are a good source of income for universities. In fact they generate about 32% of universities’ fee income, while making up about 11% of the total undergraduate population. I posted about that here.


[1] Financial health of the higher education sector 2011-12 to 2014-15 forecasts, November 2012 | ref: 2012/30

LaTex Accents

I always forget how to add accents in LaTex within the standard text. So I have placed some of them here, as much for myself as anyone else.

LaTeX command Sample Description
\`{o} ò grave accent
\'{o} ó acute accent
\^{o} ô circumflex
\"{o} ö umlaut or diaeresis
\H{o} ő long Hungarian umlaut
\~{o} õ tilde
\c{c} ç cedilla
\k{a} ą ogonek
\l ł l with stroke
\={o} ō macron accent (a bar over the letter)
\b{o} o bar under the letter
\.{o} ȯ dot over the letter
\d{u} dot under the letter
\r{a} å ring over the letter (for å there is also the special command \aa)
\u{o} ŏ breve over the letter
\v{s} š caron/hacek (“v”) over the letter



Bilston Community college loses international student license

Bilston Community college, a privately-run college in the Black Country, has lost its “Tier 4 Visa” license. The collage claims that about 60% of its 200 or so students are international.

The rules for this level of visa license are quite strict; for example a college has to ensure students attend classes regularly and that its teaching is of sufficient quality. There are other rules that must be adhered to.

Where we find evidence that sponsors are not fulfilling their duties we will suspend or remove their license.

We can confirm that Bilston Community College had its Tier 4 license revoked on 26 October, with immediate effect.

The UK Border Agency


Bilston Community College

BBC News

A new post-16 mathematics curriculum focused on real problems

Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI) has been asked by Michael Gove (Secretary of State for Education) to develop a mathematics course aimed at sixth formers that focuses on real world problems.


Image by Sweetness46

As compared to other countries, the UK has relatively low participation on mathematics past 16. The idea is for students who would be unlikely to study A-level mathematics, to continue to study mathematics past GCSE along side other subjects.

Professor Timothy Gowers, of Cambridge University, in his blog, wrote about teaching mathematics to non-mathematicians with the focus on real problems. Many of these ideas will be incorporated into the MEI syllabus.


Professor Timothy Gowers

Professor Tim Gowers’s brilliant blog has sparked huge interest in how we could radically improve maths teaching. I am delighted that MEI is trying to develop the Gowers blog into a real course that could help thousands of students understand the power of mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Michael Gove

A sample problem

A doctor tests a patient for a serious disease that one in ten thousand people have. The test is fairly reliable: if you have the disease, it gives a positive result, whereas if you don’t, then it gives a negative result in 99% of cases. So the only problem with it is that it occasionally gives a false positive. The patient tests positive. How worrying is this?


Expanding post-16 participation in mathematics: Developing a curriculum to promote mathematical problem solving, MEI press release (opens PDF)

Random thoughts on mathematics, physics and more…