Suggestions for giving talks

We all have to give talks as part of our work from time to time.  In fact giving talks is  very important. Let’s face the truth, people won’t read your papers.  People working on very similar and related things might. Placing a preprint on the arXiv helps,  but generically people won’t get past the title and if you are lucky the abstract. Giving talks at conferences and seminars is the only way to get people to notice your work and importantly YOU.

My general advice (and I have no great insight) is simple,

  1. Select very modest goals and maybe 3 or 4 key points.  Most of the audience will not be experts in your precise field, unless you are at a specialist conference.  For departmental seminars you will have to take great care in what you say and how you say it. You want people to learn something and also see that you are great at communicating.
  2. Open with setting the context of your work.  People need to know how it all fits in. They want to know if what you have done relates to their work.
  3. Be slack with unimportant details.  You can remove terms in equations that play no significant role. Just use words like “+ small terms”.  You can suppress indices.  Don’t be frightened of using analogies or examples to get a point across.  The ethos does  have to be exactly correct,  just close enough to what you are really doing, but you must say this.
  4. Never run overtime. The audience will hate you for this. It is disrespectful to keep going past your allotted time.  It can also show that you do not take talking seriously and have not though out your talk at all.

Geroch way back in 1973 wrote some notes called “Suggestions For Giving Talks”.  He gives plenty of sound advice for giving talks. The notes are available on the arXiv  here.  I suggest anyone giving a scientific talk take a look at it.  I know it has helped me.


Other things online I have found useful and full of good advice include

There is much advice online, so have a quick ” google”.

To improve you talking skills one should do do two things

  1. Give as many talks as possible.
  2. Attend as many talks as possible.

Only with practice will you improve.  You can also take inspiration from good speakers and avoid imitating the bad ones. We have all been to talks by very well respected people, only to be disappointed by their presentation.  Learn from the masters, both good and bad.


Finally, if you have to give a talk soon, good luck.


First Order Differential Operators

I thought I would share some interesting things about first order differential operators, acting on functions on a supermanifold. One can reduce the theory to operators on manifolds by simply dropping the sign factors and ignoring the parity.

First order differential operators naturally include vector fields as their homogeneous “top component”.  The lowest order component is left multiplication by a smooth function.   I will attempt to demonstrate that  from an algebraic point of view first order differential operators  are quite natural and in some sense more fundamental that just the vector fields.

Geometrically, vector fields are key as they represent infinitesimal diffeomorphisms and are used to construct Lie derivatives as “geometric variations”.  This is probably why in introductory geometry textbooks first order differential operators are not described.

I do not think anything I am about to say is in fact new.  I assume the reader has some idea what a differential operator is and that they form a Lie algebra under the commutator bracket.  Everything here will be done on supermanifolds.

I won’t present full proofs, hopefully anyone interested can fill in any gaps.  Any serious mistakes then let me know.

Let \(M\) be a supermanifold and let \(C^{\infty}(M)\) denote its algebra of functions.

Definition A differential operator \(D\) is said to be a first order differential operator if and only if

\(\left[  \left[ D,f \right],g \right]1=0\),

for all \(f,g \in C^{\infty}(M)\).

We remark that we have a filtration here rather than a grading (nothing to do with the supermanifold grading) as we include zero order operators here (left multiplication by a function).

Let us denote the vector  space of  first order differential operators as \(\mathcal{D}^{1}(M)\).

Theorem The first order differential operator  \(D \in\mathcal{D}^{1}(M) \) is a vector field if and only if \(D(1)=0\).

Proof Writing out the definition of a first order differential operator gives

\(D(f,g) = D(f)g + (-1)^{\widetilde{D}\widetilde{f}}f D(g)- D(1)fg\),

which reduces to the strict Leibniz rule when \(D(1)=0\).  QED.

Lemma First order differential operators always decompose as

\(D = (D-D(1)) + D(1)\).

The above lemma says that we can write any first order differential operator as the sum of a vector field and a function.

Theorem A first order differential operator \(D\) is a zero order operator if and only if \(D(1) \neq 0\) and

\(\left[  D,f\right]1 = 0\),

for all \(f \in C^{\infty}(M)\).

Proof Writing out the definition of a first order differential operator and using the above Lemma we get

\(\left[  D,f\right]1 =  (D(f) {-} D(1)f) { -} (-1)^{\widetilde{D}\widetilde{f}}f (D {-} D(1)) =0\).

Thus we decompose the condition into the sum of a function and a vector field.  As theses are different they must both vanish separately.  In particular \(D- D(1)\) must be the zero vector. Then \(D = D(1)\) and we have “just” a non-zero function.  QED

We assume that the function is not zero, otherwise we can simply consider it to be the zero vector.  This avoids the obvious “degeneracy”.

Theorem The space of first order differential operators \(D \in\mathcal{D}^{1}(M) \) is a bimodule over \(C^{\infty}(M)\).

Proof Let \(D\) be a first order differential operator and let \(k,l \in C^{\infty}(M)\)  be functions. Then using all the definitions one arrives at

\(kDl = k \left(  (-1)^{\widetilde{l} \widetilde{D}}(D- D(1))   + D(l) \right)\),

which clearly shows that we have a first order differential operator. QED

Please note that this is different to the case of vector fields, they only form a left module. That is \(f \circ X\) is a vector field but \(X \circ  f\) is not.

Theorem The space of first order differential operators is a Lie algebra with respect to the commutator bracket.

Proof Let us assume the basic results for the commutator. That is we take for granted that is forms a Lie algebra. The non-trivial thing is that the space of first order differential operators is closed with respect to the commutator. By the definitons we get

\(\left[ D_{1}, D_{2}  \right] = \left[(D_{1}-D_{1}(1)) , (D_{2} – D_{2}(1))  \right] + (D_{1}-D_{1}(1))(D_{2}(1)){ -} (-1)^{\widetilde{D_{1}} \widetilde{D}_{2}} (D_{2}- D_{2}(1)) (D_{1}(1))\),

which remains a first order differential operator. QED

Note that the above commutator contains the standard Lie bracket between vector fields.  So as one expects vector fields are closed with respect to the commutator.

The commutator bracket between first order differential operators is often known as THE Jacobi bracket.

So in conclusion we see that the first order differential operators have a privileged place in geometry. They form a bimodule over the smooth functions and are closed with respect to the commutator.  No other order differential operators have these properties.

They are also very important from other angles including Jacobi algebroids and related structures like Courant algebroids and generalised geometry. But these remain topics for discussion another day.

Engineering graduates 'taking unskilled jobs'

Nearly a quarter of UK engineering graduates are working in non-graduate jobs or unskilled work such as waiting and shop work, a report suggests.

–BBC News Reporter Katherine Sellgren

A study by researchers Birmingham University seems to go against what people in business are always telling us;


“The shortage of science, technology, engineering and maths graduates is an issue for businesses”

–Susan Anderson

I do not understand what people are talking about when they claim there is a shortage of engineers, scientist, mathematicians, computer scientists, and so on.  This is just not true. What is true is that a large proportion of these highly skilled people have to work in “non-scientific” jobs as there is a shortage of jobs relevant to their degrees.

In Physics World (February 2011,  20p ) Jim Grozier basically  complained that banking and finance was taking too many PhD qualified scientists away from science while not directly paying for their training. I agree with the sentiment,  but the point he misses is that there are not enough jobs in science, at Universities or other Labs, to keep these people working in science. Jim himself is one of the lucky ones, he is now based at UCL working in experimental particle physics.  (I vaguely knew Jim when he was PhD student and I a masters student at Sussex. )

It is astonishing, in the light of claims of science graduate shortages, that so few new graduates go into related employment”

–Professor Emma Smith


This is why we must all support the Science is Vital campaign.  Much of what the report says also applies to scientists and mathematicians.

To read more about the report by the University of Birmingham have a look at the BBC news report.


Science is Vital

From the Science is Vital campaign.

Science Careers: final call for evidence

Following the meeting with Minister of State for Universities and Science, David Willetts, about the ailing state of science careers in the UK, we want to solicit your feedback for the report he requested from us.

Your evidence can be submitted online via this page.

I urge everyone in the UK who has anything to do with science to add their evidence. This means undergraduate students, spouses  and people who have been forced to leave science as well as postdocs, lecturers and professors.

A simple QS and odd Jacobi manifold

Let us quickly recall what I mean by a QS and an odd Jacobi manifold.

Definition A supermanifold equipped with a Schouten structure S and a homological vector field Q such that

\(\{ S, \mathcal{Q} \} =0 \),

where \(\mathcal{Q}\) is the symbol of the homological vector field is said to be a QS-manifold.

This definition allows us to write everything in terms of an odd function quadratic in momenta and an odd function linear in momenta, ie. functions on the total space of the cotangent bundle of our supermanifold. The bracket in the above is the canonical Poisson bracket.  (The example I will give will make this clearer.)

Definition A supermanifold equipped with an almost Schouten structure  S and a homological vector field Q such that

\(\{ S, S \} ={-} 2 \mathcal{Q} S\),

\(\{ S,\mathcal{Q} \} =0\),

where \(\mathcal{Q}\) is the symbol of the homological vector field is said to be an  odd Jacobi manifold.

Both these species of supermanifold are very similar.  QS-manifolds have a genuine Schouten structure, that is an odd function quadratic in momenta such that it Poisson self-commutes and Poisson commutes with the symbol of the homological vector field.  An  odd Jacobi manifold consists of an almost Schouten structure that has a very specific Poisson self-commutator and Poisson commutes with the symbol of the homological vector field.

On to our example…

Consider the supermanifold \(\mathbb{R}^{1|1}\), which we equip with local coordinates \((t, \xi)\). Here \(t\)  is the commuting coordinate and  \(\xi \) is the anticommuting coordinate. This supermanifold comes equipped with a canonical Schouten structure

\(S = {-}\pi p\),

where we employ fibre coordinates \((p, \pi)\) on the cotangent bundle.  As the above structure does not contain conjugate variables is it cleat that

\(\{S,S \}=0\).

We can go a little further than this as we also have a canonical homological vector field, which indeed gives rise to a symbol that Poisson commutes with the Schouten structure:

\(\mathcal{Q} = {-}\pi\).

So \(\mathbb{R}^{1|1}\) is a QS-manifold, canonically.  The associated Schouten bracket is given by

\([f,g]_{S} = ({-}1)^{\widetilde{f}}\frac{\partial f}{\partial \xi} \frac{\partial g}{\partial t} {-} \frac{\partial f}{\partial t}\frac{\partial g}{\partial \xi}\),

for all \(f,g \in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{1|1})\).

Interestingly, we can also consider these structures as being odd Jacobi. Explicitly one can calculate the Poisson self-commutator of the Schouten structure and arrive at

\(\{ S, S\} = {-} 2 \left(  {-} \pi\right)\left(  {-}\pi p\right)\),

which is of course zero as \(\pi^{2}=0\). But also notice that this defines an odd Jacobi structure! We then can assign an odd Jacobi bracket as

\([f,g]_{J} = ({-}1)^{\widetilde{f}}\frac{\partial f}{\partial \xi} \frac{\partial g}{\partial t} {-} \frac{\partial f}{\partial t}\frac{\partial g}{\partial \xi}{-}({-}1)^{\widetilde{f}}\left(  \frac{\partial f}{\partial \xi}\right)g {-}f\left(  \frac{\partial g}{\partial \xi}\right) \).


The Schouten bracket satisfies a strict Leibniz rule as where the odd Jacobi bracket does not, we have an “anomaly” term in the derivation property. Both satisfy the appropriate graded version of the Jacobi identity.


Interestingly, the Schouten structure on \(\mathbb{R}^{1|1}\) is in fact non-degenerate so we have an odd symplectic supermanifold. One can also consider \(\mathbb{R}^{1|1}\) as an even contact manifold, but I will delay talking about that for now.

One could of course “compactify” \(\mathbb{R}\) and consider the supercircle \(\mathbb{S}^{1|1}\), and this naturally also can be considered as QS and odd Jacobi. Again we have a natural contact structure here and this has been studied in relation to super versions of the Schwarzian derivative. This is really another story…

More details can be found in an older post of mine here. A preprint about odd Jacobi structures can be found on the arXiv here.



Contact structures and supersymmetric mechanics

Contact structures and supersymmetric mechanics

Andrew James Bruce

We establish a relation between contact structures on supermanifolds and supersymmetric mechanics in the superspace formulation. This allows one to use the language of contact geometry when dealing with supersymmetric mechanics.

arXiv:1108.5291v1 [math-ph]

In the preprint above I show that aspects of  d=1, N=2 supersymmetric quasi-classical mechanics in the superspace formulation can be understood in terms of  a contact structure on the supermanifold \(R^{1|2}\).


In particular if we pick local coordinates \((t, \theta, \bar{\theta})\) then the super contact structure is given by


\(\alpha = dt + i \left(  d \bar{\theta}\theta + \bar{\theta} d \theta  \right)\),
which is a Grassmann odd one form. One could motivate the study of such a one form as a “superisation” of the contact form on \(R^{3}\).


Associated with any odd one form that is nowhere vanishing is a hyperplane distribution of codimension (1|0). That is we have a subspace of the tangent bundle that contains one less even vector field in its (local) basis as compared to the  tangent bundle.  This is why we should refer to the above structure as an even (pre-)contact structure.


The hyperplane distribution associated with the super contact structure is spanned by two odd vector fields. These odd vector fields are exactly the SUSY covariant derivatives. More over we do have a genuine contact structure as the exterior derivative of the super contact form is non-degenerate on the hyperplane distribution. For more details see the preprint.


Generalising contact structures  on manifolds to  supermanifolds appears fairly straight forward. We have the non-classical case of odd contact structures to also handle, here the hyperplane distribution is of corank (0|1), i.e. one less odd vector field. There is also a subtly when defining kernels and contactomorphisms as we will have to take care with nilpotent objects.

Comments on the preprint will be very much appreciated.



Update A third revised version has now been submitted. 08/02/2012

Theories in physics

In physics the word theory is used synonymously with mathematical model or mathematical framework. The theory is a mathematical construction   that can be used to describe physical phenomena.  A theory should, at least  in principle be falsifiable, that is make predictions that can be tested.

People who are not trained in physics take theory to mean either  “hypothetical” or loosely an  “idea”.  One may hear “but it is only a theory”, which takes the physics use of the word theory out of context.

A theory, in the sense of modern physics must by definition be phrased in mathematics. We need something to mathematically manipulate and calculate things that can be tested against observation.  Without the mathematical framework it is hard to judge if an “idea” has any merit or not.

Often by theory physicists may have something  a little more specific in mind, they often mean a specified action or Lagrangian.  Most of physics can be stated in terms of actions and so it usually makes sense to start there.  Again the action or equivalently the Lagrangian are mathematical notions.




Astronomy Vs Astrology

Even today people confuse astronomy and astrology.  It is not hard to see why when almost every newspaper has a horoscope and  lots of adverts for astrology phone lines.  Lets set the record straight.


Astronomy the scientific study of  celestial bodies, for example the Sun, planets, starts, comets etc.  The science is based on observation of the  celestial bodies and the application of physical laws to such bodies.  Mathematics and physics are essential in astronomy.


Astrology the belief that the position of  celestial bodies influences the personality and human affairs. It is based on superstition and no physical mechanisms have been established. The superstition does not apply the scientific method and in no way follows modern scientific principles.

In short, astronomy and the closely related astrophysics and cosmology add to the human understanding of nature and our place in the Universe.  Astrology is a superstition that people exploit to make money.

It is of course true that the origins of astronomy lie in astrology. Careful observations and recording of data was necessary in order to write astrological charts.  One could equally argue that chemistry owes  a lot to alchemy.  But we have come a long way in our thinking and philosophy.  Astronomy and chemistry are sciences.

Please do not confuse the two, it is rather insulting to all astronomers!

The fundamental misunderstanding of calculus

We all know the fundamental theorems of calculus, if not check Wikipedia.  I now want to  demonstrate what has been called the fundamental misunderstanding of calculus.

Let us consider the two dimensional plane and equip it with coordinates \((x,y)\).  Associated with this choice of coordinates are  the partial derivatives

\(\left( \frac{\partial}{\partial x} , \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \right)\).

You can think about these in terms of the tangent sheaf etc. if so desired, but we will keep things quite simple.

Now let us consider a change of coordinates. We will be quite specific here for illustration purposes

\(x \rightarrow \bar{x} = x +y\),

\(y \rightarrow \bar{y} = y\).

Now think about how these effect the partial derivatives. This is really just a simple change of variables.  Let me now state  the fundamental misunderstanding of  calculus in a way suited to our example:

Misunderstanding: Despite coordinate x changing the partial derivative with respect to x remains unchanged. Despite the coordinate y remaining unchanged the partial derivative with respect to y changes.

This may seem at first counter intuitive, but is correct. Let us prove it.

Note hat we can invert the change of coordinate for x very simply

\(x = \bar{x} {-}\bar{y} \),

using the fact that y does not change. Then one needs to use the chain rule,

\(\frac{\partial}{\partial \bar{x}}  = \frac{\partial x}{\partial \bar{x}}\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+ \frac{\partial y}{\partial \bar{x}}\frac{\partial}{\partial y}   =    \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\),

\(\frac{\partial}{\partial \bar{y}}  = \frac{\partial x}{\partial \bar{y}}\frac{\partial}{\partial x}+ \frac{\partial y}{\partial \bar{y}}\frac{\partial}{\partial y}   =    \frac{\partial}{\partial y} {-} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \).

There we are. Despite our initial gut feeling that that the partial derivative wrt y should remain unchanged we see that it is in fact the partial derivative wrt x that is unchanged.  This can course some confusion the first time you see it,  and hence the nomenclature the fundamental misunderstanding of calculus.

I apologise for forgetting who first named the misunderstanding.


Random thoughts on mathematics, physics and more…