Higher contact-like structures and supersymmetry

In my latest preprint “Higher contact-like structures and supersymmetry” I provide a novel geometric view of N=1 supersymmety in terms of a polycontact structure on superspace. The preprint can be found at arXiv:1201.4289v1 [math-ph]

The conception of the idea to describe supersymmetry in terms of some contact-like structure came from understanding SUSY mechanics in terms of a contact structure. See my preprint “Contact structures and supersymmetric mechanics” arXiv:1108.5291v2 [math-ph] and an earlier blog entry here.

Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference 2012

Royal Fort House, University of BristolRoyal Fort House, University of Bristol. Picture courtesy of the YRM 2012 committee.

The Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference is an annual event that aims to involve post-graduate and post-doctoral students at every level. It is a chance to meet and discuss research and ideas with other students from across the country.


I will be attending the Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference 2012 to be held at Bristol University 2nd-4th April.  I have offered to give a talk and right now awaiting confirmation that my talk has been accepted. My talk would fit into the Geometry and Topology tract.


I will post more details in due course.


