Category Archives: General Mathematics

Chinese teachers to run "maths hubs" in English schools

S Up to 60 mathematics teachers from Shanghai will be brought in to England to help raise mathematics standards in an exchange program to be organised by the Department of Education.

We have some brilliant maths teachers in this country but what I saw in Shanghai – and other Chinese cities – has only strengthened my belief that we can learn from them.

Elizabeth Truss, Education Minister.

This follows her recent visit to China in search of why they do so well in mathematics. I posted about this here.

This is also some worry about mathematics education and attitudes in Wales. I posted about this recently here. With that, I have no idea is the Welsh Assembly will seek to do something similar with Welsh schools.

Is the problem with mathematics education that bad?

I will answer that with a quote…

78% of working-age adults have maths skills below the equivalent of a GCSE grade C – and that half only have the maths skills of a child leaving primary school.

Mike Ellicock, chief executive of National Numeracy

Oh dear…

Shanghai teachers flown in for maths BBC News website

National Numeracy

Classification of low dimensional Lie superalgebras

Just for fun I was thinking about how to classify Lie superalgebras of dimension 1|1, that is consisting of one even element and one odd element. The situation is similar, but different to the classification of 2 dimensional Lie algebras. Just to note, everything here will be over the real numbers. Also, I am sure this is well-know.

Lie superalgebras
I will define a Lie superalgebra to be a Lie algebra with a \(\mathbb{Z}_{2}\)-grading. That is I have vector space for which I can assign some elements to be even and some elements to be odd. The Lie bracket is an even binary operation on the vector space \(V = V_{0}\oplus V_{1} \)

\([\bullet, \bullet]: V \rightarrow V\)

that satisfies

Skewsymmetry: \([x,y] = -(-1)^{\tilde{x} \tilde{y}}[y,x]\)

Parity: \(\widetilde{[x,y]} = \widetilde{x} + \widetilde{y}\)

Jacobi Identity : \([x,[y,z]] = [[x,y] ,z] +(-1)^{\tilde{x}\tilde{y}} [y,[x,z]]\)

where \(\tilde{x} = 0,1\) depending on if \(x \in V_{0}\) or \(V_{1}\). Things with parity zero are called even and things with parity one are called odd.

The 1|0 and 0|1 case
As a “warm-up” let us consider the case of just one even or one odd element.

Just from the closure of the Lie superalgebra we know that for one even element \(y\) the bracket has to be

\([y,y]= ay\),

for some real number a. However, the skewsymmetry forces \([y,y]= -[y,y]\) and so a=0 is the only possibility. In short we have a trivial abelian Lie algebra with one even generator.

What about the case with one odd element \(x\) say? Well the skewsymmetry does not help us here as \([x,x] = [x,x]\). But the closure and the parity of the Lie bracket forces


To summarise, if we have one even or one odd element then the corresponding Lie superalgebras must be trivial, but for slightly different reasons.

2 dimensional Lie algebras
Just to recall the situation for 2 dimensional lie algebras we have two and only two such algebras up to isomorphism. They are denoted \(L_{1}\) which consists of two (even) elements that mutually commute \([x,y] =0 \), and \(L_{2}\) for which we have the non-trivial bracket \([x,y]=y\).

I will leave it as an exercise for those interested to prove this is the case. As a hint, start from \([x,y] = ax +by\) and you can show that under a change of basis you recover the two Lie algebras above.

The 1|1 case
Now to the main topic. Let \(x\) be odd and \(y\) be even. Then the only possibility for the non-trivial Lie brackets must be

\([x,y] = ax\) and \([x,x] = bx\),

from the parity of the Lie bracket. Now we need to look for consistency with the Jacobi identity. So,

\([x,[x,y]] = [[x,x],y] – [x,[x,y]]\).

This then means that we have

\(2 a[x,x] = 2 ab y =0\).

Note that I have not assumed that a is not zero at this stage and so all I can conclude is the ab =0.

Thus we have three generic cases;
i) \(a=0\) and \(b =0\)
ii) \(a \neq 0 \) and \(b =0\)
iii) \(a = 0 \) and \(b \neq 0\)

Then up to isomorphism (just a rescale of the basis) we have three Lie superalgebras whose non-trivial Lie brackets are

i) \([x,x]=0\) and \([x,y]=0\)
ii) \([x,x] =0\) and \([x,y] = x\)
iii) \([x,x] =y\) and \([x,y] =0\)

All three of these have nice geometric realisations and physicists reading this might recognise iii) in connection with supersymmetry.

The geometric realisations
By a geometric realisation I mean in terms of vector fields on some supermanifold. For these 1|1 dimensional examples it is quite illustrative.

Translations on \(\mathbb{R}^{1|1}\) are of the from

\(t’= t + a\)
\(\tau’ = \tau + \epsilon\),

where where we have picked global coordinates \((t, \tau)\) consisting of one even and one odd function. These translations are generated by the vector fields

\(X = \frac{\partial}{\partial \tau }\) and \(Y = \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\).

Thus we see that we have the trivial Lie superalgebra i).

Note that we have both even and odd parameters for these translations and so we are not really talking about the categorical morphisms as linear supermanifolds here. They are slightly more general than this.

With this in mind let us look at the Lie superalgebra of the diffeomorphism supergroup of \(\mathbb{R}^{0|1}\). The transformations here are of the form

\(\tau’ = a \tau + \epsilon\),

which are generated by the vector fields

\(X = \frac{\partial}{\partial \tau}\) and \(Y = \tau \frac{\partial}{\partial \tau}\).

Thus we have the Lie superalgebra ii).

The last case is more interesting for physics. Here we have the N=1 d=1 SUSY-translation algebra

\(t’ = t + \epsilon t\tau + a\)
\(\tau’ = \tau + \epsilon\),

which are generated by the two vector fields

\(X = \frac{\partial}{\partial \tau} + \tau \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\) and \(Y = \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\),

which up to a factor of 2 (we can rescale this away easily) we get the Lie superalgebra iii).

For dim 1|0 and dim 0|1 we only have the trivial abelian Lie superalgebras.

For dim 2|0 we have (up to isomorphism) two Lie (super)algebras.

For dim 1|1 we have (up to isomorphism) three Lie superalgebras.

Education Minister to visit China

S The UK Education Minister Elizabeth Truss is going to lead a fact-finding mission to Shanghai in order to find out how children there have become the best in the world at mathematics.

(They) have a can-do attitude to maths, which contrasts with the long-term anti-maths culture that exists here.

Ms Truss

In my opinion, there seems to be an acceptable level of mathematical ignorance in the UK and that needs to be addressed as a cultural issue as much as an educational one.

Let us hope that Ms Truss returns with some good ideas on how to revitalise mathematics education.

Shanghai visit for minister to learn maths lessons BBC News website.

My phone number is in pi!

pi I found a website that allows you to search the number \(\pi\) for stings of numbers. The Pi Searcher can search for any string of digits (up to length 120) in the first 200 million digits of \(\pi \).

The number \(\pi \) is transcendental meaning it cannot be written as any combination of rational numbers and their n-th roots.

Phone numbers here in Poland are 7 digits and it turns out that there is a  99.995% chance that the Pi Searcher can find it, Of course, if it can’t find it then it may well be still in \(\pi \) somewhere,  which is related to the fact that we think it is a normal number.

Anyway my home phone number here in Poland appears 10 times in the first 200 million digits! My IOP number (6 digits) appears 186 times!

Try it for yourself at the link below.

The Pi Search Page

LMS 2014 Prizes – call for nominations


The London Mathematical Society welcomes nominations for the 2014 prizes, to recognise and celebrate achievements in and contributions to mathematics.

In 2014, the LMS Council expects to award:

The Polya Prize – in recognition of outstanding creativity in, imaginative exposition of, or distinguished contribution to, mathematics within the United Kingdom.

The Fröhlich Prize – for original and extremely innovative work in any branch of mathematics.

The Senior Berwick Prize – awarded in recognition of an outstanding piece of mathematical research actually published by the Society during the eight years ending on 31 December 2013.

The Senior Anne Bennett Prize – for work in, influence on or service to mathematics, particularly in relation to advancing the careers of women in mathematics.

The Whitehead Prizes for work in and influence on mathematics.

For further information and nomination forms, please visit the LMS website.

Or contact Duncan Turton, Secretary to the Prizes Committee at the Society (tel: 020 7927 0801, email:

The Prizes Committee is keen to increase the number of nominations it receives and, in particular, the number of nominations for women, which are disproportionately low each year. The prize regulations refer to the concept of ‘academic age’—rather than date of birth—in order to take account more fully of broken career patterns.

Closing Date for Nominations: Monday 20th January 2014

The original message is from Duncan Turton


arts Prof Matilde Marcolli from Caltec has written some rather interesting and useful notes on how to defend yourself while giving a mathematics talk. Great advice and rather entertaining also. We are introduced to several bad-guys that one must defeat in the arena of mathematics seminars…

The game is now to identify each of the bad-guys found in your department and use the “moves” Marcolli suggests to defend against their attack when giving a talk.

Good luck if you are giving a talk soon.

The (Martial) Art of Giving Talks (opens pdf)

What is a topological space?

A topological space is a rather general notion of a space in terms of a set of points endowed with some extra structure that gives us some notion of “nearness” of points. Topological spaces are quite general objects and appear all over the place in modern mathematics.

I my early post on manifolds, I used the notion of a topological space in defining the domains that are patched together to build a manifold, though I did not use the word “topology” at all. So manifolds are very nice examples of topological spaces.

Intuitively topology is the study of the properties of topological spaces that do not change under deformations, stretching and bending, but not cutting and gluing. That is we keep the notion of “nearness” of points.

There are several equivalent ways of defining a topological space, but here we will take the most intuitive route in terms of neighborhoods of points.

Our topological space is a set of points, which we will denote \(X\). By a neighborhood of a point \(x \in X\), we mean a subset of \(X\) that consists of all points “sufficiently close” to \(x\). What we mean by “sufficiently close” depends on the situation and can depend on the different neighborhoods. Anyway, neighborhoods satisfy some natural axioms (properties):

1.Each point \(x\) belongs to every one of its neighborhoods.
2.Every subset of \(X\) that contains a neighborhood of a point \(x \) is also a neighborhood of \(x\).
3.When two neighborhoods of a point \(x\) overlap, this overlap is also a neighborhood of \(x\).

The above three axioms are very natural and clear. The fourth is less so, but very important in patching neighborhoods together.

4.Any neighborhood \(N_{1}\) of \(x\) contains another neighborhood \(N_{2}\) of \(x\) such that \(N_{1}\) is a neighborhood of each of the points in \(N_{2}\).

The feeling one should get from this these axioms is that we have a notion of “closeness” given by points sharing neighborhoods. Moreover, given a point and one of its neighborhoods, one can “move the point a little” and still remain in the original neighborhood.

Continuous maps
As hinted to earlier, topology studies spaces up to changes that do not “cut and paste”. The notion of topological spaces and continuous maps (“small changes in input give small changes in output”) between them formalises this. So, as i want this to be a rather informal post lets not get bogged down with details and look at an example.

Courtesy of Wikipedia

Above is a graphical representation of a continuous deformation between a mug and a torus. Heuristically, you see that points that are near each other on the mug remain near each other on the torus. Also note that such a map does not change the overall shape, there is one hole and always one hole here.

In conclusion
Intuitively topological spaces are just sets in which we have a good notion of “nearness” of points. Topology is interested not in the details of the geometric shape of the spaces but only on how the space is put together.