Electromagnetic wave energy flux

EM wave transports energy in space, which is contained in electromagnetic field. The intensity and velocity of wave are computed with the wave equation, which will be used to derive the energy flux of wave. The flux of energy is the quantity of energy carried by a wave that crosses a surface. Energy flux must respect the energy conservation law. However, this is not the case for our EM wave equation as shown in the following.

Please read the article at
or http://www.academia.edu/2313022/Electromagnetic_wave_energy_flux

Lorentz perpendicular action experiment

Lorentz perpendicular action experiment

I have proposed an experiment design Lorentz torque to get precise data of magnetic force to compare with predictions by the two laws. Now, I propose a simpler but more impressive experiment which is a visual demonstration of the inconsistency of the Lorentz force law and whose result can be shown by video. Figure 1 shows the setup. A small rectangular coil abcd, called the test coil, is placed at the center of a long rectangular coil ABCD, called the inducing coil. The test coil is free to turn about its long axle. The current I in ABCD induces a magnetic field B which exerts a Lorentz force on the current i of the test coil and makes it tilt.

Please read the article at
Lorentz perpendicular action experiment
or http://www.academia.edu/2237784/Lorentz_perpendicular_action_experiment