Numerical computation of the Lorentz force internal to an asymmetric coil

I have proven theoretically that the Lorentz force internal to a coil is not zero (several proofs are in the references). But theoretical proofs are too long to read and too complex. I give here a numerical computation of the Lorentz force internal to an asymmetrical coil; the computed force is not zero.

Please read the article at
Numerical computation of the Lorentz force internal to an asymmetric coil

Unknown properties of magnetic force and Lorentz force law

This is the paper I submitted to a journal. Please make your opinion and tell me what you think.

The 2 experiments presented in this article show unknown properties of magnetic force. The Lorentz force law can neither explain these properties nor compute the magnetic force internal to an open circuit. A correction added to the present magnetic force theory allows explaining these new discoveries.

Please read the article at

Magnetized wire effect and perpendicular action experiment

I have designed the Lorentz perpendicular action experiment, blogspot academia, and predicted an outcome using my corrected magnetic force law: the test coil should not rotate when its axle is parallel to y-axis (see Figure 1).

However, when I did the experiment, the test coil rotated! Was my prediction wrong?
This is why I have posted Fail of the perpendicular action experiment, blogspot academia

Please read the article at
Magnetized wire effect and perpendicular action experiment