Non-loop induced voltage problem

The Induced conductor net problem could be solved if we can determine the induced voltage in part of the circuit. But is it possible that a voltage exist in no-loop wire? Let us see what the induced voltage is in a circular loop formed with 4 segments separated by resistors

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Non-loop induced voltage problem


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Induced conductor net problem

My article Coil and resistor induction paradox shows that the potential energy of electrons in an induced coil is not correctly described by Faraday’s law. This is illustrated by Figure 1 in which a circular circuit with a resistor A is induced in a magnetic field; the resistance of the wire P is negligible. The inconsistency is that the electric field in the conductor wire P is zero and the moving electrons cannot collect energy. The present article exposes another problem: finding the potential in induced circuit with multiple resistor and branches.

Please read the article at
Induced conductor net problem


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