The magnetic field is zero but the motor works

With good accuracy, the magnetic field in the middle region outside a long bar magnet is zero. So, the Lorentz force must be zero there. But look at the video of my experiment “Macroscopic Aharonov–Bohm effect motor” The coil rotates without force!

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The magnetic field is zero but the motor works pdf or word

Anti-Lorentzian Motor

I have been silent for 2 months because I was trying to carry out a good perpendicular action experiment. Unfortunately, my material condition is too poor to carry out an acceptable one. So, I changed my mind and concentrated on finding application for parallel action. And I have found the anti-lorentzian motor.

Please read the article at
Anti-Lorentzian Motor pdf or word

Not a “one-way” magnetic force

Finally, I have found the explanation for the “One-way magnetic force” I found In fact it is the position of the test coil that prevents it to rotate. In Figure 1, I have drawn the test coil in a horizontal magnetic field B. The forces are acted on the coil’s horizontal side and are vertical.

Please read the article at
Not a “one-way” magnetic force

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One way magnetic force

Here is a strange experiment. I made 2 magnets act a magnetic force on a current in the position shown in Figure 1. The 2 magnets stand vertically and generate the magnetic field B. The current I passes in a wire at some distance in front of them.

Please read the article at
One way magnetic force

One way magnetic force pdf or word

Why magnetic field must be a tensor?

Now, the tensor theory for electromagnetism is born and with new insight in physics we will see interest on ideas that would be simply rejected before. For example, as quantum and particle physics are based on vector electromagnetic theory, new discovery will soon be coming.

Please read the article at
Why magnetic field must be a tensor?

Please read the article at
Why magnetic field must be a tensor? pdf or word

Correction to the Biot–Savart law

After having shown experimentally the incorrectness of the Lorentz force law, I unveil here an important part of my magnetic theory: correction to the Biot–Savart law. I used the complete theory to create my experiments and got several evidences of the fail of the Lorentz force law and derived the numerous paradoxes that contradict the classical electromagnetic theory.

Please read the article at
Correction to the Biot-Savart law
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Consequences of macroscopic Aharonov-Bohm effect

Note: During my vacation, I stay reachable through email.

The importance of the Aharonov–Bohm effect is underlined by the qualification “one of the seven wonders of the quantum world” by the New Scientist magazine. Why is this effect so important in physics? In the following, I will explain the implication of my experiments and theory with respect to the Aharonov–Bohm effect.

Please read the article at
Consequences of macroscopic Aharonov-Bohm effect

Non-Lorentzian Magnetic force and Aharonov-Bohm effect in CRT

Note: I will be on vacation during July and August where I will not update my blog. Have a good summer to all in the north hemisphere or winter to those in the south hemisphere. See you in September.

Peng Kuan 彭宽
27 June 2013

Today, magnetic force is described by the Lorentz force law. But from theoretical and experimental research I have found strange magnetic forces that do not respect this law. For example, magnetic force that is parallel to current, magnetic force with irregular magnitude and non-zero magnetic force in zero magnetic field, I name theses forces “non-lorentzian magnetic forces”.

Non-lorentzian magnetic force exists also in materials. I have done an experiment using a bar magnet, iron sticks and aluminum scraps.

Please read the article at
Non-Lorentzian Magnetic force and Aharonov-Bohm effect in CRT

Macroscopic Aharonov–Bohm effect experiment and theory

The Aharonov–Bohm effect is a phenomenon in which an electrically charged particle is affected in a region in which both the magnetic field B and electric field E are zero. As there is not classical force exerted, this effect is commonly considered as quantum mechanical. However, the force in the Aharonov–Bohm effect is well explained by the corrected magnetic force law I proposed in “Unknown properties of magnetic force and Lorentz force law”
In order to illustrate this explanation, I have done an experiment that shows this effect in ordinary condition, that is, with a current carrying wire and a bar magnet. The video of this experiment:

Please read the article at
Macroscopic Aharonov–Bohm effect experiment and theory

Current and parallel action

Here is an improved parallel action experiment. In Theory about parallel action experiment blogspot academia, I have shown that a coil rotates under a magnetic force parallel to current, which is not predicted by the Lorentz force law. But that experiment did not clearly exclude the action of Lorentz force. The present experiment is designed in such a way that the coil turns in one direction under the parallel action force and in the other direction under the Lorentz force. The experimental result shows that the coil turns in the direction of the parallel action force (see the video ).

Please read the article at
Current and parallel action