Dear readers and experimenters,

I have a bad news: I have carried out the Lorentz perpendicular action experiment, blogspot
. It seems that the magnetic force on the test coil in perpendicular position has apparently the same magnitude than in parallel position. This shows that there is an error in my calculation or in my theory. I think of the experimenters who may be doing this experiment and decide to announce immediately this news to inform them.

Firstly, I want to say sorry to them who have given me their trust. I also want to thanks the readers who have given their time to consider my theory. I preferred to announce this news by my self rather than by someone else who would carry it out and find negative result. I believe that honesty is essential in sciences.

I’m searching actively what is the error and will be back because, although this experiment failed, my paradoxes about the Lorentz force law still hold and this force cannot generate freely energy.

Thanks to you all.


9 February 2013

Energy density of electromagnetic wave

Light is an electromagnetic wave whose total energy is the photon’s energy e multiplied by the number of photons n. This leads to constancy of energy inside a cone centered at the source (see Figure 1). So, whatever the distance from the source, a segment of the cone of unit length contains the same quantity of energy. For an electromagnetic wave, if we know the electromagnetic field, we can also calculate its energy in terms of electric and magnetic fields. This is the case for solutions of the electromagnetic wave equation. Contrary to light, these fields give a variable energy that become infinity near the source, violating physical principles.

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Electromagnetic wave energy flux

EM wave transports energy in space, which is contained in electromagnetic field. The intensity and velocity of wave are computed with the wave equation, which will be used to derive the energy flux of wave. The flux of energy is the quantity of energy carried by a wave that crosses a surface. Energy flux must respect the energy conservation law. However, this is not the case for our EM wave equation as shown in the following.

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Lorentz perpendicular action experiment

Lorentz perpendicular action experiment

I have proposed an experiment design Lorentz torque to get precise data of magnetic force to compare with predictions by the two laws. Now, I propose a simpler but more impressive experiment which is a visual demonstration of the inconsistency of the Lorentz force law and whose result can be shown by video. Figure 1 shows the setup. A small rectangular coil abcd, called the test coil, is placed at the center of a long rectangular coil ABCD, called the inducing coil. The test coil is free to turn about its long axle. The current I in ABCD induces a magnetic field B which exerts a Lorentz force on the current i of the test coil and makes it tilt.

Please read the article at
Lorentz perpendicular action experiment

Faraday’s torque experiment

A charged insulator disc is under induction. Will there be a torque on its center? Perhaps one could use Faraday’s law to compute the torque. But is Faraday’s law valid for this application? Nevertheless, let us compute with Faraday’s law.

Please read the article at
Faraday’s torque experiment

Partial EMF measurement

Faraday’s law gives EMF as the voltage measured across the 2 terminals (A and D in Figure 1) of a loop under the induction of a varying magnetic field. Partial voltage between 2 intermediate points in the loop does exist, but is impossible to measure with a voltmeter. In Figure 1, a voltmeter connected to two arbitrary points B and C, will read the voltage induced by the magnetic field passing through the surface in grey. If the surface is reduced to zero, the voltmeter would read 0. This is why no study of partial voltage exists until now. I propose here an experiment to measure the partial voltage.

Please read the article at
Partial EMF measurement

Can EMF distribution be known?

Can EMF distribution be known?
19 October 2012

EMF is the generated voltage in a loop under the induction of a varying magnetic field B. But the electric field of the EMF is non-conservative and one has no information about its distribution in space. The present study may give some hints for it.

Please read the article at
Can EMF distribution be known?

Faraday’s Law Paradox

Faraday’s Law Paradox
5 October 2012

Faraday’s law defines how a varying magnetic field creates electric field. For the potential to be nonzero, EF must be nonzero. However, if we look at the electric field inside the conductor, it is not so. According to an electrostatic law, the force on the free electron must be zero; otherwise, the distribution of free electrons will change so that the electric field on the free electron becomes zero. On the surface, the electric field Es must be perpendicular to the surface. Considering such electric field in conductor, the potential between the point A and D is zero.

How can free electrons stay still against nonzero EMF? And how can EMF exist when the electric field on all free electrons is zero or perpendicular to the surface? No explanation exists now. So, there is a conflict between Faraday’s law and the electrostatic law. I call this conflict the Faraday’s law Paradox. Faraday’s law is the last major law of the electromagnetic theory to fall.

Please read the article at

Lorentz force on open circuit

Lorentz force on open circuit
3 September 2012

After extensively analyzed EM wave equation, I will explain the core inaccuracy that leads to the inconsistency of the Lorentz force law. In the Figure 1, two metallic spheres are connected together through an angled wire whose angle is 90° and in which circulates an alternate current. While the wire is not a closed loop, the capacitor made up by the two spheres is charged alternately, letting the alternate current circulate.

Please read this article at

A wave that is out of phase with itself

A wave that is out of phase
with itself

23 August 2012

I do not think such wave exists. The electricand magnetic fields of plan wave are in phase. But that of the solution of theEM wave equation are out of phase. In the Figure1, an element of antenna emits a wave composed ofelectric field E and magnetic field H. The phase of the electric and magnetic fields vary differently, so the electric field wave slides with respect to the magnetic field wave. For example, if the maximums of the 2 fields coincide at a point r1, a moment later, each will travel a different distance and the 2 will separate. In other words, the wave in terms of electric field is out of phase with itself in terms of magnetic field.

Please read the article
at blogspot
or at academia