
Been a tad under the weather and I’ll be on the road for a short family reunion, which is why posting has been (and will continue to be) erratic.

Status Update

Not much time for blogging recently — getting together with family, travel (made longer because it involved a snowstorm), a stiff back from the car ride and the lugging of that which is lugged, and now, apparently, the fruit of the traditional holiday first sharing of germs. To be followed by the inevitable second sharing, when everyone returns to work/school.


Apologies. I’ve been suffering from a sore neck and shoulder for a bit, and decided to minimize typing on a keyboard for a bit to see if that can help speed my recovery.


Power restored (after only 90 hours!), but still no internet at home. My fridge hasn’t been this empty since I moved in. I noticed one set of traffic lights still out on my commute this morning, so there is still work left to do in the area.

Status Update

I’m back from ScienceOnline 2012, which was great, and am now in detox recovery mode. Catching up on things, including sleep — being “up” all day and part of the night, because of all the interesting discussions, is tiring, but it’s a good kind of tired. I expect this will leave me energized in the way I was last year once I get my bearings again. I intend to write up my thoughts on the conference as I did last year. I also have photos to edit and upload from a visit to the JC Raulston Arboretum.

Set Condition Plaid

As if this week weren’t eventful enough, we now have Irene bearing down on us. People at work who know what they are doing have been battening down the hatches or whatever the shore equivalent is, and I’ve been staying out of their way. Hannah got us wet but not much else (as far as I recall) in 2008 and Isabel knocked out power when she visited in 2003 (24 hours or so for me, longer for others) and came ashore as a cat 1, so this may be more of a problem. Just a heads up that I might submerge and go silent this weekend, if such circumstances are thrust upon me. I’ll have battery power for my iPod and flashlights and sandwich fixins, plus some books to read in case the power and/or internet are interrupted.

It's That Time of Year Again

I just realized that I’ve passed my Third Blogoversary! Google tells me that three is the Leather Anniversary, which sounds pretty kinky.

I’ll take this opportunity to invite regular visitors who are inclined to leave a comment to give a short summary of who you are/what you do. Do did you come for the physics and stay for the silly posts, or was it the other way around?