What US Currency Could Look Like

… but it doesn’t.

Michael Tyznik’s US Currency Redesign

Contrary to rumors circulating in chain emails, this design is not the work of or in any relation to the U.S. government. It was my entry to the Dollar Rede$ign contest and is purely speculative.

American banknotes are in dire need of a redesign. Even though the green color of money is deeply interwoven into the nation’s culture, the need for color differentiation between denominations has forced the inclusion of color. The recent redesign of banknotes by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is poorly executed and aesthetically lacking. Because the coloring of the current notes is so subtle, it is still hard to differentiate between denominations by that method alone.

flickr gallery

Science as Art

Science graphs and figures as art.

The Large Hadron Colander

This is a tumblr mostly for images and diagrams from papers. This way I read more papers, and have something pretty to look at when I am done. Science can be art.

Also, sometimes I post pictures of manatees. I have no self control.

Update: more science-as art-sites

Science Is Beauty
Fresh Photons

(Weird. I got these links in a comment in the moderation queue, but when I went to approve it, the comment did not appear. But the links remain, like the Cheshire Cat’s smile.)

Name That Movie

Name That Movie

I started a series of drawings in my sketchbook, it’s a kind of visual quiz of great movies. Each series is a sequence of six drawings of shots from classic films (in the order they appear on screen.) No portraits of movie stars, just iconic images from the film. When I finish 100 movies, I’ll see about getting them published as a book.
A book like this could sell dozens.