It’s not perfect, because sometimes scientific progress goes, “Boink!“
Category Archives: Cartoon
Can You Reverse The Polarity?
1000 Words
Captain Higgins
The Oatmeal: Why Captain Higgins is my favorite Parasitic Flatworm
Because everyone should have a hero.
The Moon Hoax
In cartoon form, so even the crackpots can easily follow along.
Yo Mama is So Fat Her Watch Runs Slow
I Concede The Point
However, I do alright with tabletop-ish atomic physics, which is literally very cool.
You Might Remember Me
The IMDB-ish resumé of Troy McClure
O, Bitter Irony
Option B: Call Customer Service
The Oatmeal: Why I’d rather be punched in the testicles than call customer service.
AFAICT, the only step missing is where the disembodied voice tells you to key in your account number, and then when you eventually get a live person, they immediately ask you for your account number. Because the squirrels in the pneumatic-tube message delivery system have delayed the information.