Will Kem 4 Food


Kerning is the adjustment of the spacing between letter pairs in printing. Improperly done, (overkerning?) this can make letters run together, and e.g. “rn” is difficult to distinguish from “m,” especially for those of us with less-than-perfect eyesight. (And take care not to shove your “L” too close to your “I” since that could be a real FLICK-UP.) This leads to the creation of the term keming: improper kerning.

I yeam for thee, my heart bums when you are dose.

Dangers of keming
Trick or Treat

Mitigated Gall

I was very recently reminded of a one-page story that appeared in the New Yorker some years ago. It drops the prefixes or otherwise negates the meaning of some common words and phrases. The bridled style is very settling.

Thanks to the wonder of the intertubz, it appears online.

How I Met My Wife by Jack Winter