My recent post on Haidinger’s brush reminded me of another optical phenomenon I have observed, and one that is a bit easier to see: the Pulfrich effect.
The Pulfrich effect is a phenomenon that gives the illusion of depth based on the response time of different light levels in the eye and how the brain interprets the delay. Lower light levels take longer to process, so if the image viewed by one eye is dimmer than the other, the signal from the dimmer view will lag in reaching your brain to be interpreted. With one eye darkened, something moving across your field of view will appear to get closer or further way.
When I first read about this, I consulted Wikipedia, which tells me
In the classic Pulfrich effect experiment a subject views a pendulum swinging in a plane perpendicular to the observer’s line of sight. When a neutral density filter (a darkened lens – typically gray) is placed in front of, say, the right eye the pendulum seems to take on an elliptical orbit, appearing closer as it swings toward the right and farther as it swings toward the left.
Well, gee, I work in an atomic physics lab. I can make a pendulum and have neutral density filters, so I went ahead an made up the experiment, using some scrap wire and a few optical-mount bases for the pendulum. And sure enough, with the right combination of filters (I think I ended up with ND=0.3 or 0.4) I was able to easily see the effect — the pendulum’s oscillation got closer at one end and further away at the other, and it reversed itself when I switched and darkened the other eye.
I wanted to show this off, so to make things a little easier I salvaged a damaged pair of sunglasses and popped one of the lenses shades out. (Not really lenses are they? OK, pedantic man says they are, albeit with an infinite focal length) That covers the eye better than the ND filter, which only has a 1″ diameter. I can use either the free eyepiece or the glasses. The biggest problem is getting people to look with both eyes — their natural tendency is to shut one eye and only look through the shade.