Category Archives: Politics
Pictures at an Inauguration
No surprise that The Big Picture has some great photos of the inauguration.
The Inauguration of President Barack Obama
I stayed indoors and watched on TV. No way I was braving that throng.
Meanwhile, Over on the Hill …
Notes from Steven Chu’s Senate confirmation hearings
“Will you take a lead, not just to talk about it, not just to opine about it, but actually do the things necessary to see if we can’t restart our nuclear industry?” asked Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama. Tennessee Senator Bob Corker echoed the question later, asking Chu if he meant to “pursue nuclear now… all out now?”
Yes, yes, and yes, Chu replied. “Nuclear power is going to be an important part of our energy mix,” he told the committee, a position he has stated before. Chu noted that nuclear power provides 70% of the carbon-free electricity in the country. Still, he said it was important to continue researching better waste disposal and fuel recycling technologies, perhaps in collaboration with other countries.
Will He Skate Through His Confirmation Hearings?
If confirmed as expected, Chu may well set sparks flying at the staid agency. Over the past four years, Chu has realigned the DoE’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in California into a pioneer for alternative-energy research.
Using an ice-hockey analogy, Eddy Rubin, director both of the Joint Genome Institute in Walnut Creek, California, and of the genomics division at the LBNL, says: “You can’t stay where the puck is — you have to skate where the puck is going to be. [Chu] had a compelling vision to put the lab where it needs to be.”
And I wonder who the Goons are going to be, to do the necessary forechecking?
According to the division directors, Chu said he would take the job if he could select the approximately 15 political appointees who would direct key DoE components. In the early days of the Bush administration, vice-president Dick Cheney was behind most of those appointments. Instead, “Chu will get to select the smartest people he knows”, says Rubin.
Just Shut Up
At that point, I had the right to remain silent … but not the ability. Ron White
Eight reasons even the innocent shouldn’t talk to the police
~45 minutes of video of a defense lawyer and a cop explaining why anyone in the US should never, never, never talk to the police. I assume this is in the context of being a possible suspect rather than a witness, but I am not a lawyer.
Bottom line: even if you are innocent, anything you say can be used against you — in ways you might not be able to see. One pitfall: there are literally thousands of laws of which you might be guilty, and to which you might inadvertently confess, in making a statement. I’ve also been told by a lawyer that you should not invite the police into your residence, for the same reason.
All in Good Fun
There were a few press-release pictures that went along with the ribbon-cutting ceremony I mentioned a few weeks back. Here’s one that was used in an announcement, and I can’t help imagining an alternate caption for the picture.
Something along the lines of VP restrained while attacking crowd with giant scissors
That’s the new building in the background (No, it’s not an Olive Garden), and the clock on the left-hand side of the ribbon is a cesium-beam atomic clock, running on battery.
More Stuff You Got Wrong
Wikipedia’s List of Common misconceptions
Boot Ballistics
Instructions are in Norwegian, but you can figure it out.
More stuff: animated gifs of things being thrown at the Prez
Some ingenious, some creepy
Update: another game
Channeling Jeane Dixon
“LHC destroys earth” being one of them.
(In case you didn’t know, Jeane Dixon was a “psychic”)
FYI – 'Blog' is not short for Blagojevich
Top Ten Messages Left On Rod Blagojevich’s Answering Machine
“I’m calling about your Senate seat on Craigslist. Want to trade for a futon?”