Let's Geek It UP!

Mar 14th is “Talk like a physicist day,” and there’s a blog dedicated to it. Of course, I’ll be doing so anyway, because that’s what I do. My suggestion is to get familiar with some jargon, and substitute it for smaller words whenever and wherever possible. That’s what we do.


(Of course Mar 14th is also Einstein’s birthday and “Pi day” in the US)

Via Cocktail Party Physics

I'm Off…to do Humanitarian Deeds

Because I’m gonna be rich.

This is a new one for me. I’ve won the lottery, been asked to assist in moving money out of Nigeria, been asked to pose as a dead person to collect an inheritance. But now there’s this:

“On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr.Lurther Braeunlich, I once
again try to notify you as my earlier letter returned undelivered. Late Engr.Lurther
Braeunlich made you a beneficiary to his WILL. He left the sum ($9,100.000.00 USD) to you in
the codicil and last testament to his WILL.

Engr.Lurther Braeunlich until his death was a member of the Helicopter Society and the
Institute of Electronic & Electrical Engineers.

Late Engr. Maxwell Effenberg died on the 13th day of December,2006 at the age of 80 years,
and his WILL is now ready for execution.

According to him this money is to support your humanitarian activities and to help the poor and
the needy in our society.

Please if I reach you this time as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back
to me as soon as possible via the email below, to enable me
conclude my job.”

Apparently the spamtards can’t even cut-and-paste properly — they switched decedents in the middle of the email. First it’s “Lurther Braeunlich” and later it’s “Maxwell Effenberg” (who left $13.1 million to his acquaintences. I feel slighted)

The passing of Lurther (sic) doesn’t show up in Google … yet.