Every year the Disney theme parks host a Star Wars weekend, which means one thing: more demented “Dancing with the Star Wars Cast” videos. But 2011 may be our new favorite. We give you Chewbacca grinding to Guns N’ Roses.
Category Archives: Silly
Crash Test Kittens
It's Not a Form of Enhanced Interrogation
Habla Physics?
It’s Talk like a Physicist Day once again. In case you need to brush up on your vocabulary, you can refer to my original post and its follow-up. Note that “super moon” is not one of the terms.
Two and a Half Chortles
Holy Home Projects, Batman!
The Bat-Pole activator-type switch as a DIY project. (Batman had Shakespeare, not Beethoven) If only I had a workshop.
Ah, memories of my youth. I know that many Batman comic book aficionados never liked the campy TV series, but I loved it. I’ve searched and found bat phones for sale, too, but the amount I’m willing to drop on one does not exceed a hectobuck, which is a bit of a Biff! to the midsection of my desire. (Hmmm … maybe for Christmas … that’s how I got my Maltese Falcon statue …)
Laser Cat Bowling. That is All.
Laser pointer and a low-friction surface and a cat.
The More You FLIR The Better You Feel
Thermal imaging of a fart. Sorry, no smell-o-vision.
I have wondered what our social interactions would be like if we could see in that portion of the spectrum, or if methane were otherwise visible (like bromine). Fart denial would be a different animal. Not everyone produces methane, though. Would that be a source of discrimination or status?
Drop the Chalupa!
Florida Professor Arrested for Having a “Suspicious” Bagel on a Plane
A Florida professor was arrested and removed from a plane Monday after his fellow passengers alerted crew members they thought he had a suspicious package in the overhead compartment.
That “suspicious package” turned out to be keys, a bagel with cream cheese and a hat.…
Monday’s incident is another example of other passengers essentially becoming the authority on terrorist activity on planes.
Got this from Daring Fireball, not Schneier (I suspect it will be there soon*), and Gruber had a comment:
“Suspicious Bagels” would be a good name for a bagel store.
I think it would be a good name for a band.
* and he will point out that when you have amateurs doing your security, that what you get is amateur security.