You Will Not Win This Bid

How Much Would it Cost to build the Death Star?

We began by looking at how big the Death Star is. The first one is reported to be 140km in diameter and it sure looks like it’s made of steel. But how much steel? We decided to model the Death Star as having a similar density in steel as a modern warship. After all, they’re both essentially floating weapons platforms so that seems reasonable.

What? A battleship has to support its own weight and float in the water. That puts an upper an lower bound on its average density. A Death Star is assembled in space. The only thing it has to support itself against is gravitational collapse, and you have sci-fi technologies like tractor beams and force fields and hyperspace travel.

[A]t today’s rate of steel production (1.3 billion tonnes annually), it would take 833,315 years to produce enough steel to begin work. So once someone notices what you’re up to, you have to fend them off for 800 millennia before you have a chance to fight back.

This is the Galactic Republic/Empire, not one planet! I don’t know if there’s a definitive source, but indications are that there are more than a million member worlds with many times that number of colonies.

Oh, and the cost of the steel alone? At 2012 prices, about $852,000,000,000,000,000. Or roughly 13,000 times the world’s GDP

But, as we see, less steel and many, many planets from which to draw resources.

Morium about Thorium

Here’s an article about Thorium reactors I found via Nick at Fine Structure. It’s not particularly detailed, so I thought I might be able to fill in some of the gaps.

Th-232 is the naturally occurring isotope of Thorium, with a 14 billion year half-life, and the idea is that you let it absorb a neutron to become Th-233, which then beta decays twice (to Pa-233 with a half-life of 22 minutes and then to U-233 with a half-life of 27 days). The neutrons, as the article says, are produced by bombarding lead with protons, and would also be produced by fissions in the U-233. But since the mass is subcritical, this extra source of neutrons is required in order to run at steady-state and produce macroscopic amounts of power.

[T]here are downsides to the use of uranium-235 as fuel: first, it produces plutonium as waste. Second, the uranium-235 fuel cycle is what engineers call “critical”: once it gets going it’s self-sustaining, so there is a risk – albeit a tiny risk – of loss of control.

The unwanted plutonium “waste” is a byproduct of having U-238 around; most Uranium is U-238, and it, like Th-233, can absorb a neutron and beta decay twice. It becomes the somewhat long-lived fissile Pu-239. Starting with Thorium bypasses this particular issue.

The use of a subcritical mass shouldn’t be specific to this system, though. You should be able to do this with U-235 as well, but running a reactor as a critical mass is a much easier system to build.

The other advantage appears to be the fission products. The article states

[T]he small amount of toxic waste generated by the thorium/uranium-233 fuel cycle ceases to be radioactive after a few hundred years, rather than the thousands of years during which uranium waste remains toxic.

This makes sense to me; the fission products have excess neutrons and tend to beta-minus decay and with U-233 you start with fewer neutrons, so you will have a slightly different fission yield and your fission products are going to generally be closer to stability. This would also imply less decay heat, which is the issue that has been plaguing the Fukushima reactors — the radioactive fission products must be cooled long after shutdown. What the article doesn’t explain is how much smaller this is, so it’s hard to tell if this article is overplaying the operational safety improvements.

You Make Me Go To Pieces

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Another washing machine gives itself to our entertainment. One day, after our computers become sentient, they will learn of the unspeakable things we did to machines and we will all be in trouble.

I Wonder if it Sang 'Moon River'

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This is an endoscope video from inside a Fukushima nuclear reactor. Clearly, it has some health issues.

via boingboing, where I saw this observation

The view is obscured by steam, the effects of radiation, and (are you sitting down) actual goddam gamma rays just whizzing by.

(Pssst. Maggie (whom I met at ScienceOnline2012): Goddam gammas are radiation. Perhaps the “and” should be “including”. Just sayin’) Anyway, the gammas (damned or otherwise) show up as the little sparkly flashes on the screen. The fat white streaks are water droplets reflecting the light.