Misery Loves Company

Stanford’s once elegant, $500,000 sculpted clock/fountain sits glumly in storage

I guess I’m not the only one running into trouble with a fountain clock (and I have more on that, later).

The clock sculpture is made of a black granite turntable on an asymmetrical base that revolved once a year and was in constant motion 24 hours a day. To support it, and create a perfectly level surface for the heavy slab, Stanford sank five concrete columns deep into the earth.
Powered by electricity, it ran on a mechanical system with custom gears that were submerged in running water, according to Susan Roberts-Manganelli, manager of collections for Stanford’s Cantor Center for Visual Arts.

Going Green(wich)

Oct. 13, 1884: Greenwich Resolves Subprime Meridian Crisis

Britain had first solved the problem of longitude, Britain had the world’s largest navy, and the sun indeed did not set on the far-flung British Empire. Britannia ruled the waves, so there was no need for Britain to waive its rules.

Thus, the conference established that the meridian passing through the Royal Observatory at Greenwich would be the world’s Prime Meridian, and all longitude would be calculated both east and west from it up to 180 degrees. The conference also established Greenwich Mean Time as a standard for astronomy and setting time zones.

The Leroy Anderson Effect

Metronome Synchronization

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Putting them on the board allows them to couple, so vibrations from each can interfere and the most efficient energy transfer is when they are in phase. I’ve read that this trick was exploited by sellers of pendulum clocks, back in the day — by hanging the clocks on one wall, they would similarly tend to synchronize. This would give the customer the impression that all of the products were high quality clocks when that was not the case, though you could not tell from the pricetag — the poor clocks were being driven by a few good ones.

(Leroy Anderson was the composer of The Syncopated Clock)

Leon's Getting Larger

Fact or Fiction: The Days (and Nights) Are Getting Longer

Forces from afar conspire to put the brakes on our spinning world—ocean tides generated by both the moon and sun’s gravity add 1.7 milliseconds to the length of a day each century, although that figure changes on geologic timescales. The moon is slowly spiraling away from Earth as it drives day-stretching tides, a phenomenon recorded in rocks and fossils that provides clues to the satellite’s origin and ultimate fate. “You’re putting energy into the moon’s orbit and taking it out of the Earth’s spin,” says James Williams, a senior research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

Drinking My Vodka and Lime

Uncertain Principles: Relativity on a Human Scale

Precision clock measurements from NIST, directly observing both gravitational and kinematic time dilation, all without leaving the lab.

You can do this type of experiment with less precise devices, but you’d have to have a more robust apparatus to accumulate the data because you’d need to do a longer experiment. I’ve detailed how commercially available clocks have done the kinematic dilation measurement, though at ~30 m/s rather than 10 m/s, which required an experiment lasting several days. Similarly, one could do an experiment with clocks on different floors of a building over the course of a few weeks and see a gravitational redshift. It’s probably not worth the effort to go out of your way to do so, given the level of confirmation we already have for relativity — GPS works, for example.

The trick here is that these measurements were made in a relatively short period of time, but that’s generally the nature of cutting-edge science like this — it takes a lot of effort to get all the parts to run, and the experiment yields data for a limited time. So Chad is correct in asking whether they really count as “official clocks” — they don’t insofar as timekeeping is concerned. They probably don’t run long enough to really impact a true clock ensemble. The value here is that what’s hard to do today will be easier to do tomorrow, and eventually this (or a competing) kind of technology will become “true” clocks that are more compact and run continuously for extended periods and do have a significant impact on timekeeping.

(I should be listening to similarly-themed talks this week — I was supposed to go the Frequency Control Symposium. But I managed to get sick — not vodka-induced, BTW — as the weekend drew to a close. No way I was getting on a plane at that point. Bleh.)

GPS, New and Improved

GPS is getting an $8-billion upgrade

[S]cientists and engineers — including those at a sprawling satellite-making factory in El Segundo — are developing an $8-billion GPS upgrade that will make the system more reliable, more widespread and much more accurate.

The new system is designed to pinpoint someone’s location within an arm’s length, compared with a margin of error of 20 feet or more today. With that kind of precision, a GPS-enabled mobile phone could guide you right to the front steps of Starbucks, rather than somewhere on the block.

The story mentions that a predecessor of GPS was Transit, to support Polaris submarines. I went to a talk recently which mentioned other programs as well: there was SECOR (SEquential COllation of Range), 621B and TIMATION. I found a brief history of these programs. The military was testing various strategies for geolocation, and each had its strengths and weaknesses. You could have the satellites be autonomous or rely on ground stations; autonomous satellites need good space-qualified clocks, which were tough to come by in the 60s, but if ground station was lost, the whole system would go down. Orbital altitude was another variable — geostationary satellites had poor coverage at high latitudes, but you required more satellites as you got into lower orbits, with progressively shorter observation windows. (A low-earth orbit (LEO), like the ISS, would require of order 100 satellites for good coverage) And various communication strategies could be employed.

They were able to draw on the experiences of each program and come up with a system that seems to have worked out pretty well.

Shift Happens

I linked to a gravitational redshift experiment that was recently published, and have had a chance to read the paper. It’s quite cool. I had been dismayed at the first couple of popular summaries, but this one is pretty good and as I had indicated, the press release is pretty good for a press release. So there’s not a lot to add.

The original experiment was designed to measure gravitational acceleration; the two trajectories have a different potential energy, mgh, and will accumulate a phase difference as compared to the other trajectory. You can think of this as the difference in deBroglie wavelengths, where the difference in momentum leads to a slightly different wavelength, and this gives a phase difference when the atoms recombine. Since the mass and the relative trajectory are known, measuring the phase difference will allow you to determine g.

The special insight presented in this paper was the interpretation in terms of relativity. The energy, rather than being the classical kinetic and potential terms, is mc^2. The “oscillation” that allows for interference is now at a much higher frequency, and the accumulated phase will be gh/c^2, which is the gravitational redshift. To do this, you need to independently know g, which was determined using a corner-cube gravimeter.

There is also a difference in the implications by reinterpreting the results. The first measurement assumes the classical physics is correct — the phase difference is proportional to g is the result of an equation that is assumed to be true at this level of precision — and that there is a phase to measure, i.e. the atoms have a wave nature, which is an early prediction of quantum mechanics. The answer in the form of a value for g only makes sense if we assume these theories are correct. And that’s not really a problem, since we have independently tested those theories many times over the years.

But the other interpretation is a direct test of relativity — the theory predicts an answer which can be directly compared to the result. And that allows one to put limits on how “wrong” this aspect of relativity might be. You add another term onto the time dilation term, with a perturbation expansion (we already know relativity is pretty good and have results from the Vessot rocket experiment, so any deviation has to be small). So we write the time dilation as (1+B)(gh/c^2), and then assume the worst case, that all of the discrepancy in the measurement is not experimental error, but rather a flaw in the theory. And they get a result of B = 7±7 x 10^-9, which is consistent with relativity being correct (B = 0), and limits any problems with this aspect of it to a part in a hundred million.

“A precision measurement of the gravitational redshift by the interference of matter waves,” Müller, Peters and Chu, Nature 463, 926-929

Unscrambling an Egg

What Is Time? One Physicist Hunts for the Ultimate Theory

Sean Carroll is interviewed by Wired, on the subject of the arrow of time. He should write a book or something.

[W]hy was the entropy ever low to begin with? Why were the papers neatly stacked in the universe? Basically, our observable universe begins around 13.7 billion years ago in a state of exquisite order, exquisitely low entropy. It’s like the universe is a wind-up toy that has been sort of puttering along for the last 13.7 billion years and will eventually wind down to nothing. But why was it ever wound up in the first place? Why was it in such a weird low entropy unusual state?

That is what I’m trying to tackle. I’m trying to understand cosmology, why the big bang had the properties it did. And it’s interesting to think that connects directly to our kitchens and how we can make eggs, how we can remember one direction of time, why causes precede effects, why we are born young and grow older. It’s all because of entropy increasing. It’s all because of conditions of the Big Bang.

Mr. Smith Doesn't Go to Utah

13-year-old helps save daylight saving in Utah

I know this is supposed to be an uplifting story of how clever a teenager is, in a sort of afterschool special kinda way, but I’m more cynical than that. I see it as a bunch of blowhard politicians happily debating something they do not understand, have made no effort to understand, but are willing to make a decision about anyway, despite the fact that by not understanding the issue you have no hope of recognizing the ramifications of your decision. All this despite the fact that a teenager can understand and explain the concept, so it really wouldn’t have been all that difficult to have a staffer spend a few minutes Googling the information and summarizing it for you.