Dude, Where's My Car?

I was playing around with Live Search Maps, typed in my mom’s address, and then the “bird’s eye view” option. Whoa. My car’s in the driveway. In one view — it’s gone when you rotate through the other angles. Which means it’s probably from Thanksgiving in the past few years, unless, OMG! That view is live! They’re outside right now!

(Nah. I was handed the creeping crud at the office in lieu of pay and didn’t make the trip this year)

People with Too Much Time on Their Hands: Toast Art

People with Too Much Time on Their Hands: Toast Art

It would never occur to me to take a picture of my toast. Unless it had an image of the Virgin Mary on it or something. Then I would make sure to capture just the right image for my posting on Ebay. Seriously, though, it’s amazing what kinds of creative uses people have put their toasters and minds to. I love it when bored people take a few steps outside of the box. Sometimes it’s a few steps too many. You be the judge.

It Don't Mean a Thing

if you don’t go 360º on a swing

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OK, disclaimer time: please note that it’s got rigid bars instead of a chain or rope attachment, the feet are probably secured, and that the person doing it is most likely insane.

Apparently this activity is known as kiiking.

Are You Sure Your Name Isn't Rod?


lightning through my camera

Because you insisted, here’s the unedited screaming version. I also added video from a minute before the lightning struck so you can get an idea of how hard it was raining. From what i understand, it went through my left hand holding the camera, crossed my back and exited out of my right hand holding onto the metal railing. No entry or exit wounds, just a really good zap!

Reminds me of a “Far Side” tagline: Never, never do this.