Science After Sunclipse has some links to Conan O’Brien spinning his wedding ring and getting help from an MIT professor to maximize the spin time.
(BTW, I have colleagues who use the term “nutate” on a regular basis.)
Science After Sunclipse has some links to Conan O’Brien spinning his wedding ring and getting help from an MIT professor to maximize the spin time.
(BTW, I have colleagues who use the term “nutate” on a regular basis.)
“Trapping of Neutral Mercury Atoms and Prospects for Optical Lattice Clocks” Hachisu et al., PRL, 100(5). I haven’t had time to read the paper, but Chad at Uncertain Principles has a summary of it.
My personal nit is that everybody calls these clocks, and they are really frequency standards/references. But almost nobody cares about that.
Over at The Blog of Doom, the Cap’n makes some good points, namely
Labs are not ways to reinforce your teaching. Labs are ways to teach.
The goal of labs should be to let students figure things out for themselves. Let’s not tell students to verify Schmoe’s Law. Let’s tell them, “there might be a relationship between these two variables. Find out what it is and if there’s an equation that can describe the relationship. You get to design your own experiment to do so.”That would be real learning.
(emphasis in original, though it doesn’t seem to show up in the block quote)
Yes! I agree. One problem I see, though, is that it’s difficult to recreate the atmosphere of having the science be an unknown, since the students can simply read ahead and know what the answer is supposed to be. One possibility is with simulations. You could, for example, have a computer simulate a CRT with a new and different magnetic and electric field — instead of having the Lorentz force law hold (F = qE + qv X B) you would make things nonlinear and have the students deduce the law. The source might be limited to just a few energies (you could pretend they are monoenergetic radioactive samples), and maybe the source particles are “mysterions” that don’t have an integral charge. Let them have a taste of what it’s like to do an investigation where you don’t know what the answer is supposed to be.
I think simulations fail in some circumstances, though. I recall a computer program that simulated single-particle interference building up over time to give the familiar pattern. But it didn’t actually prove anything, since the pattern will be whatever the programmer wants it to be. New and different science probably needs to be more involved with the actual apparatus. When I was a TA for a “modern physics” class I was a little surprised at how neat the students found the labs to be, even those not majoring in physics, even though it wasn’t as “hands-on” as the introductory/general physics labs were; you were relying on some measurement apparatus to show electron diffraction, or radioactive decay but that didn’t matter. The results weren’t necessarily expected — even though you saw the Bragg equation in class, seeing the rings actually show up and change when you changed the accelerating potential was far more satisfying than confirming the value of g.
Another example — a colleague of mine was describing a lab one of his kids had recently. It was a black box, with some items inside that were taken from a list of possibilities, and the students had various investigative tools at their disposal (perhaps a scale and a magnet, among other things) and they had to determine what was in their box. Nobody knew the answer ahead of time, and the students had to go through and explain their reasoning for why a test confirmed or excluded a potential item on the list as being in the box. I wish I had had labs like that in school.
Every so often a nanotechnology discussion pops up on the SFN forums (one of several recurring themes), and invariably there is a comment or two in the direction of pop-sci topics like nanobots, and the implication that nanofabrication is a future technology. While the length scales have gotten smaller and manipulation techniques have certainly gotten better over time, nanofabrication has been around for a while.
The photos shown below the fold are from some grad school work I did at the Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility in the early 90’s (back then there was no network of such labs, it was the National Nanofabrication Facility. Notice that they’ve been in existence for more than 30 years.) I was fabricating some transmission gratings for an atom-optics experiment to show atomic interference. The structures (grating wire and gap) were each about 125 nanometers across. The basic fabrication process was this: Continue reading
Primary season is upon me, and as with the elections last fall, I am being inundated with phone calls. I will take the same strategy on Tuesday as I did in November: if I get a call from or on behalf of a candidate, I won’t vote for them. It’s an open primary, so I can vote for either party.
I just got a call from Bill Clinton. Hillary is out.
No, not the powdery, chalky stuff.
I noticed that Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was on today. Now, movies have a lot of bad physics in them, and I generally don’t let that get in the way of the movie enjoyment. But … there’s the scene where Augustus Gloop falls in the chocolate river and gets stuck in the tube leading to the marshmallow room. First there’s the “the suction’s got him” remark. That’s only a minor nit; suction is due to the absence of pressure the way we’ve defined things, so low pressure doesn’t suck — higher pressure blows, as it were. But that’s just starting the sloppy physics. Willy Wonka next explains that “terrific pressure is building up behind the blockage” and that will get him out. But that’s not the case — at least not at the time it’s stated. There’s no flow anymore, so the pressure can’t be building up. The chocolate is still flowing in the other pipes, and the river is at atmosphere. (and under those conditions, the pipe had better not be more than about 32 feet tall, since that’s all a one atmosphere pressure difference will get you). At best, what can happen is that the pressure in front of Augustus is dropping.
Now, Grandpa Joe declares that Augustus will leave the way a bullet gets shot out of a gun, but what we see is Agustus shooting up, but the chocolate lags behind. It shouldn’t happen that way. Unless Augustus is particularly flatulent (and this is never proffered as an explanation, though with his diet it’s not a bad conjecture), the gap behind him will be a vacuum, and at best the tube in front of him is at vacuum as well (though we hear him yelling, so that can’t be the case as long as we can hear him). There’s no force to propel him faster than the chocolate. Certainly not like a bullet in a gun, where you have rapidly expanding gas exerting a force.
And I won’t even get started on “fizzy lifting drink.” I’m switching over to “Cool Hand Luke”
When you can’t grab more real estate, you make more room in the lab. Four physicists move two optical tables, and nobody gets injured. Who’d have thunk it?
Officially, not really. This is all a gag, a spoof, a put-upon, since somebody, somewhere might frown upon the kind of do-it-yourself attitude of four unsupervised physicists playing with heavy equipment. So here’s what did not happen:
Our bundles of joy need to be placed where there is sufficient overhead space for assembly, and that meant some reshuffling of the lab, and that meant moving optics tables. Big, heavy brutes. Fortunately we discovered that the heavier one had casters built in to the legs, and were able to move it quite easily. Only a few hours of bundling up cables to make sure we didn’t overtension anything, and that table only had to be moved a few feet, so many of the cables stayed in place.
Moving the second table was a lot more involved. Continue reading
Why is striking woo so easy on the internet?
My knee has been bothering me, and the knee brace I have used in the past (which AFAICT stabilizes against some lateral movement) wasn’t helping me. The problem appears to be consistent with patellar tendinitis, aka jumper’s knee (and yes, mister fancy-pants word-check software, thatisthe correct spelling for tendinitis). It’s not bad enough to send me to the doctor’s office — that event has a fairly high activation potential — so I bought a patellar knee strap, and it seems to be helping thus far.
But when you go out on the web and search on things like “knee pain brace,” you end up hitting a lot of sites selling magnetic therapy bracelets. And, of course, these are bunk — total crap. Now it’s not insane to wonder if magnetic fields will affect the body, but the explanations of the way the bracelets are supposed to work are just clearly bogus. The fields of these bracelets/wraps/jockstraps are weak, and hemoglobin isn’t ferromagnetic. Depending its the oxygenation state, you can get diamagnetic or paramagnetic behavior in the hemoglobin, which allows you to do functional MRI, but this uses fields several orders of magnitudes stronger to see effects. People have done tests that show that these devices don’t work, but it’s also true that these suffer from some problems, namely, that you can’t have a magnetic “placebo” device, since it isn’t difficult to tell if a bracelet is magnetic.
But there’s actually a deeper level to some of the shenanigans, and this is where the basic physics breaks down – badly. Continue reading
A man is content. Is it justifiable to pose an ethical dilemma that gives him a miserable headache?
Ran across The allegory of the trolley problem paradox
(via Uncertain Principles)