Silly Blog Games, Part I: Robo-Tag

In my brief time in the blog-o-truncated-icosahedron (I’m not convinced it’s a sphere), I’ve gotten to know and be indifferent to the automatic pingback. The strange and wonderful spiders/bots that crawl the web and look for keywords, and link to your blog post. Much of the time, it happens because of some innocuous term you’ve included — just yesterday, I wrote about some non-hoops player being officially included in the NBA draft, and made mention of the NFL, and got a pingback from somebody’s NFL-themed blog. I mentioned taxes the weekend before April 15th, and got three tax-related pingbacks. They obviously were not from people who had read the post.

So I got to thinking, (always a dangerous thing)
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Googling: What the?


Come to think of it, I meant option C: “Planck’s constant”

(the actual issue was that this was a copy-and-paste of a longer expression, and there is an almost indistinguishable fraction of an extra space after the apostrophe)