A Glimpse Inside the Ivory Tower

Guest Column: Letting Scientists Off the Leash

Where does the money come from to pay for our science? Mostly from the federal government — your tax dollars at work — and non-profit foundations. Income from grants written by professors is the single largest contribution to the Stanford University budget (the second largest is endowment income, and student tuition is a distant third). Stanford has an enormous endowment ($17 billion before the market crash) but applies it in a heavily leveraged manner — in other words, they tend to use it to prime the pump and not to support ongoing research programs.


Air = Gravity

Air equals gravity in movies (again)

No WAY. Air = gravity. No air = no gravity. How clearer could it be? This also happened in the movie Wall-E and I posted about it then. Basically, many people think that if there is no air there is no gravity. It sort of makes sense – if you are in space, there is no air and no gravity. Except that there IS gravity in orbit. And what about the moon? There is no air there, but clearly there is gravity.