I Don't Know the Answer, but Neither Do You

Unqualified Offerings: A lot of ignorance needn’t stop you from offering contradictory theories

I have no particular opinion on why there is a gender gap in certain fields of science. I have a lot of skepticism for various theories offered, but I have no theory of my own. And it isn’t just because it’s a hot potato issue where it would be easy to put a foot in my mouth. I really, honestly, find many explanations wanting.

The thing that gets me about this whole discussion is the unscientific nature of a lot of the analysis, or lack thereof (there’s an “if you disagree you must be a misogynist!” crowd that sometimes shows up in places and shouts down any hope of actual discussion), because bad arguments make me cringe, and these are bad arguments. Most of the explanations that are proffered have stark counterexamples, either within STEM areas or in the business world, that show the explanation to be either wrong or incomplete. One thing not mentioned in the link is the disregard for the basic math conundrum of the Garrison Keillor effect— if you have overrepresentation in some areas, it’s simply impossible to simultaneously have equity in all the rest.

Jumping the Gun

‘Hidden photons’ to send secret emails through Earth

You shouldn’t use a title which implies that the phenomenon has been confirmed, when it’s still hypothetical.

Hidden photons are a class of particles predicted by so-called supersymmetric extensions to the standard model of particle physics. Unlike normal photons, hidden photons could have a tiny mass and would be invisible because they would not interact with the charged particles in conventional matter. This means hidden photons would flit through even the densest materials unaffected.

The only place to spot them is in a vacuum, where they should sometimes “oscillate” into normal photons. There are already experiments searching for this effect: the idea is to shine a laser at a wall in a vacuum and see if any of the photons make it through to the other side by transforming into their hidden counterparts and back again. According to Ringwald’s group, if these experiments succeed it should be possible to scale up the apparatus so that the hidden photons become signal carriers and the “wall” becomes any stretch of ground or water.