Honor thy Scientists?

why you should honor thy scientists

[I]t’s not just zealots who will equate scientific methodology with theistic dogmatism. In an attempt to appear completely objective and beyond any charge of bias, some writers will give equal importance to every opinion with seemingly no regard for whether it’s right or wrong. They think that by giving a biologist who’s life was spent researching evolution and a random televangelist the same weight in their articles will make them insightful reporters who diligently consider every side of a story. But the truth is that not everything you hear is accurate and if you’re reporting an incorrect assumption without actually doing your homework and noting that it’s wrong, you’re not an objective reporter or analyst. You’re a scribe afraid of being called biased.

Yes, We Think About Things Like This

ArXiv: Minimizing the footprint of your laptop (on your bedside table)

We are considering all placements of the laptop such that it will not topple o the table;
these are exactly the placements for which the midpoint of the laptop is also a point of the
table. We are then interested in determining for which of these placements the footprint of the laptop is of minimal area; here, the footprint is the common region of the laptop and the table.