Pictures of Lilly

If Lilly was a microwave field, that is.

Cold atoms image microwave fields

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, the LMU Munich and the University of Basel have now demonstrated a new technique for the imaging of microwave magnetic fields. As microwave field sensors, they use small clouds of ultracold atoms that hade been laser-cooled to a temperature of a few millionths of a degree above absolute zero. At these temperatures, the atoms obey the laws of quantum physics. Their quantum state is very sensitive to externally applied electromagnetic fields, which makes them ideal sensors. For the measurement, the atoms are positioned at the desired location above the microwave circuit with the help of static magnetic fields, and subsequently the microwave field is turned on.

Amber Does Not Mean 'Go Fast'

Purple light means go, ultraviolet light means stop

Controlling a membrane’s permeability using different colors of light.

Controlling a membrane’s permeability with light is preferable to controlling it with heat or electricity – two readily used alternative methods – for several reasons, Glowacki said. For starters, light can operate remotely. Instead of attaching electrical lines to the membrane, a lamp or a laser can be directed at the membrane from a distance. This could allow engineers to make much smaller, simpler setups.

Another advantage is that the color of the light illuminating the membrane can be changed precisely and almost instantaneously. Other methods, like heating and cooling, take a relatively long time and repeated heating and cooling can damage the membrane.

Random Thought

Two years ago I toyed with the idea of driving down to the ScienceOnline conference, and in thinking about it, doing a t-shirt depicting the Borg and a semi-recognizeable caricature of the scienceblogs logo, which would have read “Assimilated” or “Not Assimilated,” depending on your affiliation or lack thereof. Alas, I forgot about the opening of registration and by the time I remembered, I was only able to be on standby and never got a chance to go. So I never drew it up.

Now, I think, there could (also) be a t-shirt that reads “I drank the Pepsi” or “I never drank the Pepsi.”