One Ringy-Dingy

The Virtuosi: Ringing A Bridge

When you strike a bell, it rings at a given frequency. This frequency is called the resonant frequency and is the natural frequency at which the bell likes to ring. Just about anything that can shake, rattle, or oscillate will have a resonant frequency. Things like quartz crystals, wine glasses, and suspension bridges all have a resonant frequency. The quartz crystals oscillate at frequencies high enough for accurate timekeeping in watches, the wine glasses at audible frequencies to make boring dinners more interesting, and bridges at low enough frequencies that you can feel it when you walk. It is the resonant frequency of bridges that we decided to measure.

Looking at Teaching as a Mature Industry

Why Does College Cost So Much?

They’re promoting an upcoming book, so the article is merely a summary, but from it arises an interesting premise: education is not an industry that benefits greatly, efficiency-wise, from technology. And that’s an interesting point. If there is a limit to how quickly a student can absorb knowledge, and I think there probably is, then any teaching efficiencies you might gain by adding technology are limited, and certainly won’t scale the way it does in other industries, where you might be able to automate processes and eliminate positions and have the potential to reduce costs.

Technology certainly helps the student; I shudder to think of what writing a thesis would have been like without a word processor program, having had the undergraduate experience of writing papers on an electric typewriter and concocting exams in the navy back when they were much more computer-phobic (cut-and-paste was a literal action, not a mouse-click). But that’s not going to get more information into their collective heads in a fifty-minute lecture, or make them read a book faster. It certainly doesn’t scale according to Moore’s Law.

Computers and peripherals (e.g. processing power, storage, networking) are deflationary. The price of all of the related hardware has been roughly constant over the years — and that doesn’t even reflect inflation: it still costs about a thousand dollars of today’s money to buy a middle-of-the-road computer, a few hundred bucks for a monitor, and another hundred for an external hard drive. But the increase in computing power, sizes of monitor screens and capacity of hard drives has been huge. That helps hold down costs in a lot of places, but if it can’t help the professor teach a class, it’s not going to hold the cost of instruction to the level of inflation. Not until you have robotic teachers, at least.

Son of Atomic Revenge

Uncertain Principles: What Do You Need to Make Cold Atoms? Part 2: Lasers and Optics

The lab porn keeps coming, and it’s not being faked.

All of these elements are arranged in very particular ways to get the beams where they need to go. Of course, this is incredibly sensitive to small changes in the position of the optical elements, which is why everything is bolted to the surface of an optical table. These tables are large, heavy tables designed to minimize vibrations, and with steel tops having 1/4″-20 holes drilled in a 1″ grid over the whole surface. The mounts holding the mirrors and lenses and so forth are bolted to the table, so they’re fixed in position unless you do something really stupid to knock them out of place.

Of, if only I had a dollar for each time I did something stupid and knocked an optics mount out of place …

The Power of Redefinition

Particle Accelerators Could Work As Power Generators

If, by “power generator” you mean “source of fuel for a separate nuclear reactor.

Imagine the protons in this accelerator are sent into a block of uranium. Each proton might then be expected to generate a shower of some 60,000 neutrons in the material and most of these would go on to be absorbed by the nuclei to form 60,000 plutonium atoms. When burned in a nuclear reactor, each plutonium atom produces 0.2 GeV of fission energy. So 60,000 of them would produce 12,000 GeV.

Using this back-of-an-envelope calculation, Wilson worked out that a single 1000 GeV proton could lead to the release of 12,000 GeV of fission energy.

Or you could throw the Uranium in a reactor and get the Plutonium for free while you generate power. Which we already can do …

Atomic Revenge

… best served cold

Uncertain Principles: What Do You Need to Make Cold Atoms? Part 1: Vacuum Hardware

Excellent vacuum chamber porn.

The huge number of ports on this chamber are there to provide lots of optical access. Technically, you only need six to do laser cooling, but it’s always nice to be able to look at the atoms from other directions, and to be able to shine in additional laser beams to probe the atoms. The chamber that’s on there is probably overkill, but I wanted to be as flexible as possible.

I must pick a nit here (I must, I must), “Name That Tune” style. I can cool atoms with only four laser beam ports. Cool those atoms! Six beams, though, is more robust. A four-beam lattice is leaky.