Why Do Evolutionary Biologists Always Make Gross Generalizations?

Pharyngula: Why do physicists think they are masters of all sciences?

There seem to be a lot of physicists, however, who believe they know everything there is to know about biology (it’s a minor subdivision of physics, don’t you know), and will blithely say the most awesomely stupid things about it. Here, for instance, is Michio Kaku simply babbling in reply to a question about evolution, and getting everything wrong. It’s painful to watch.

Kaku’s tendency to bather via an orifice other than his mouth has been noted more than once in the blogohedron, and he doesn’t even need to leave the field of physics to do it. The question here is why PZ thinks that he is representative of physicists? How does he get from one to a lot of physicists?

The question is why does Michio Kaku, who happens to be a physicist, think he is a master of all science. Leave the rest of us out of it.

I'm in it for the Groupies

Neil deGrasse Tyson on the “science should be used to improve life” argument

As of writing this I have watched only the second half, which is linked in the link, to see the part about how the desire to improve life isn’t what drives basic science, it’s a byproduct. Scientists generally aren’t looking that far ahead, even if they could. You’re driven by curiosity which is aimed at the problem in front of you. Others can (and do) take discoveries and apply them.

I liked the “utility belt of understanding” metaphor, and since it’s Neil deGrasse Tyson, there’s a lot of good stuff (except for the part where he’s confusing Millikan with Michelson)