Category Archives: Cartoon
The Metaphysical Party-Pooper
Science, the designated driver of inquiry.
So That's Where it Started …
Non Sequitur: The Invention of Ideology
Answers don’t come before the data are in. Couldn’t agree more.
Belated Happy Perihelion
Calvin’s dad is not a scientist, and the cartoon gets it almost exactly wrong.
He says it’s colder because the earth’s orbit is taking us farther from the sun.
The perihelion was Jan 4th, meaning we were closest to the sun then.
The seasons, of course, are caused by the axial tilt.
Converting to Metric
Helpful hints for Converting to Metric at XKCD
Other unit and conversion help
On the Importance of Math Education
ask a silly question… at Abstruse Goose.
The Pulp Fiction reference reminds me, peripherally, of the time I spent living in Vancouver, Canada. Do you know what they call a Quarter-Pounder with cheese in Vancouver?
Zombie Gary Larson
You can find anything on the internets.
The Last Bastion of Imperial Units
Foxtrot shows the importance of metric for some football players
Me, Too
Moment of Clarity at Abstruse Goose
A Christmas Story
A few years back there was an email at work announcing a winter holiday door decorating contest. I took this as carte blanche to put up my Christmas cartoons, some of which I wouldn’t have otherwise put on public display. My theme was “A not very Norman Rockwell Christmas”
There was no contest the next year.
The year following, the contest resumed, but the contest rules included the phrase “Must be in good taste.” I refer to this as the “Tom clause.”
Cartoons below the fold.
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