
How did I miss this? XKCD is coming out (no, not like that) — as a real book. Oh, the humanity! Trees! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! Oh, gawd, they can’t!

NY Times: When Pixels Find New Life on Real Paper

“It’s not supposed to be a punch line, but hopefully if you didn’t laugh, you’ll laugh at this,” he said. The title text will appear where the tiny copyright notice would appear on a traditional strip.

Does that mean that the book won’t carry a traditional copyright and instead take its lead from the online comic strip itself, which Mr. Munroe licenses under Creative Commons, allowing noncommercial re-use as long as credit is given?

“To anyone who wants to photocopy, bind, and give a copy of the book to their loved one — more power to them,” he said. “He/She will likely be disappointed that you’re so cheap, though.”

Randall notes on his blag

Note: Some of the stuff in the article is no longer accurate – since then, I’ve gone back and redone the layout and comic selection myself.

Things NOT Found on the Internet

Some Lists

[H]ere instead is a list of phrases that (at the time of this posting) turn up no hits on Google:

“ate a violin”
“driver-side bidet”
“unlike normal furries,”
“Sarah, plain and tall and a cyborg”
“people are too civil on the internet”

And some more in the comments

“differential equations saved my life” – 0 results

“chess for Wookies” – 0 results

“erotic vector calculus” – 0 hits

“Luke, I am your third grade teacher” – 0

“Search your kitchen counter, you know it to be true” > 0 results

“Buttered graphite” – 0

via Science After Sunclipse