I Love My Clipboard

I got a fluorescent clipboard a while back. I love the effect.


The edge is much, much brighter than the rest, though it’s a little easier to see this in person. The clipboard is acting as a waveguide for the emitted fluorescence; any light emitted within the total internal reflectance angle is being transported to the edge, and any light entering through the edge is likewise guided. Except for the places where there is clear tape (holding a Dilbert cartoon on a transparency) where you can see some of the light coupling out through the tape, because the light isn’t totally contained in a waveguide. There is an evanescent wave that can couple to a material of a different index, resulting in frustrated total internal reflection.

The Ralph Mellish Effect

Scarcely able to believe his eyes, Ralph Mellish looked down. But one glance confirmed his suspicions. Behind a bush, on the side of the road, there was *no* severed arm. No dismembered trunk of a man in his late fifties. No head in a bag. Nothing. Not a sausage.

And now for something completely different: a water balloon not exploding in high-speed

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via Talk Like a Physicist

Your Data Are Colorful and Sound Funky

Cryogenic dark matter search (CDMS) signals converted into visual and audio

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(OK, who didn’t have one of these in their dorm rooms in college? 🙂 )

There’s a pepsi-through-the-nose funny part, too, (at least according to my calibrations) about halfway through. What a dark sense of humor!

From the Fermilab newsletter, via physics and physicists