In the Zone

Fast Food Apple Pies and Why Netbooks Suck

I have no horse in this race, or a smartphone for that matter, but any explanation of “the zone of suck” using fast-food apple pies is worthwhile reading, IMO.

Monarch Burger went to the trouble of making their apple pie look like a slice of homemade apple pie. While it seems appealing in its photo on the menu, it sets up a false expectation. It may look like a slice of homemade apple pie, but it certainly doesn’t taste like one. Naturally, it flopped. Fast-food restaurants are set up to be run not by trained chefs, but by a low-wage, low-skill, disinterested staff. As a result, their food preparation procedures are designed to run on little thinking and no passion. They’re not set up to create delicious homemade apple pies.


I’m off to DAMOP. I’ve got a few posts in the queue, but other than that I’m probably diving deep and going silent until next week.

In the meantime, have some Jell-o shots. (1000 fps)

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

(update: I don’t know what the interference is there at the end — it’s not on the original. I’ll upload the video again when I get back)

Update II. Done. The same problems persist in the uploaded video.

Meat Madness

The meat playoff bracket champion has been crowned. Bacon fans will not be happy.

Lotta controversy. Pot roast, a 15 seed? Pepperoni and Italian sausage in the same sub-bracket? And the upsets — filet mignon losing to hanger steak? Ooh, that’s tough (not really, it was actually quite tender).
