Don't Flatter Yourself, Otter. It Wasn't That Great.

$35,000 NitroCream Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Maker

Sure, it’s designed for restaurants, but there’s nothing stopping you from getting one. Other than the price tag, of course.

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I’ve had liquid-nitrogen ice cream — we did it in grad school. It’s good. The fast freezing means you get small ice crystals, so it’s smooth, and the nitrogen just boils away. But it cost several orders of magnitude less to do it by hand.

When Cakes Go Bad

Nah, These Won’t Traumatize the Kids at ALL

“Yay! Dead elephants!”

There’s also When Common Sense Isn’t, where the decorator has copied, rather than followed, the written instructions.

We Love Freymoto
put Heart in Place of Word Love

All at Cake Wrecks

A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate – you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it’s simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons.

Conserving Energy

Getting around: Fuel Use of various modes of transportation

At the bottom, note that the fuel use of a bicycle is shown as a fraction of the energy of a gallon of gas, or 16 Whopper-equivalents. But that’s only looking at the “caloric conversion,” i.e. the energy content of the fuel. But we don’t mine Whoppers out of the ground — that’s the advantage of fossil fuels: the energy is stored in them, and it’s energetically advantageous to recover them. This analysis doesn’t take into account the energy used to raise the beef, wheat and vegetables and deliver them in finished form. A Whopper costs at least as much as a gallon of gas (currently). Comparing food to gasoline is a tad more complicated than counting calories.

If Even a Mouse-Click is Too Loud This Morning, Read This

Under the broad heading of What causes hangovers? which is addressed in the link, along with some other alcohol-related information.


Congeners are toxic chemicals that are formed during fermentation, some liquors have more of them than others. These congeners are widely responsible for headaches.

Word to the wise: if you can’t pronounce “congener” anymore, stop drinking.

(h/t to YT and John)

(remember: Beer is good)

Crockpot, not Crackpot

I bought a crockpot last fall, partly because I got tired of not being able to do any stovetop cooking below a certain temperature, owing to the nature of my gas stove. I kept looking for inserts to boost the pot up higher, but never found any (though I did find a tip to just wad up aluminum foil in a fat toroid; predictably, this “D’oh” moment was after I got the crock pot). My recipe repertoire isn’t that extensive. This being the internet, what are the odds that someone in the blogohedron has devoted time to crockpot cooking? Pretty good. There’s a blogger who devoted all of last year to crockpot cooking.

A Year of Crockpotting


A CrockPot Resolution
I will use my crockpot everyday in 2008.

And I will post the recipes and pictures.



stop laughing.

This is huge for me, because I usually give up my New Year’s Resolutions on about the 4th. But, I’ve started working for these people and so I’m thinking that I best be making a blog.

So here it is.

2008. The Year of the CrockPot.

it’s actually the year of the rat.

AFAICT, the fact that it was the year of the rat did not figure into things any more than this, though I haven’t gone through all of the journal. Guinea Pigs (or are they gerbils?) though — that’s another story.
