Popcorn Update

Via Built on Facts, it turns out that the cellphone-popping-the-popcorn movie was A FAKE! Gasp, thud. Making popcorn with a cellphone happens only in the movies.

(or should that be “only happens in the movies?”)

More than 6 million people have watched our little videos since May 28, 2008. We are very happy to have made this contribution to an important international public debate.

Important international public debate? Jane, you ignorant slut.

Don't Fall Behind


A whole lot about the king of condiments, without getting into shear thinning and thixotropic properties.

It explains why Barenaked Ladies can’t find the fancy dijon ketchup they want in “If I Had a $1,000,000”

What Heinz had done was come up with a condiment that pushed all five of these primal buttons. The taste of Heinz’s ketchup began at the tip of the tongue, where our receptors for sweet and salty first appear, moved along the sides, where sour notes seem the strongest, then hit the back of the tongue, for umami and bitter, in one long crescendo. How many things in the supermarket run the sensory spectrum like this?

The business decision of empowering kids

A typical five-year-old consumes about sixty per cent more ketchup than a typical forty-year-old, and the company realized that it needed to put ketchup in a bottle that a toddler could control. “If you are four—and I have a four-year-old—he doesn’t get to choose what he eats for dinner, in most cases,” Keller says. “But the one thing he can control is ketchup. It’s the one part of the food experience that he can customize and personalize.”

With some multivariable optimization thrown in.

Not Even the iPhone Can Do This

The teaser for the evening news just showed a clip of cellphones purportedly popping popcorn, and asking the question of whether it’s a hoax. My money’s on yes. Wired has a story on it, and there’s more than one video.

Assume a kernel has 0.1 g of water in it. You need to heat it from ~20 ºC to 100 ºC and then boil it, which is what happens when you pop popcorn. The heat capacity is 4.18 J/g, and the heat of vaporization is 2260 J/g. So this requires 80*4.18*0.1 +2260 * 0.1 = 260 Joules. This happens in a few seconds, so the absorbed power is somewhere around 50-100 Watts, per kernel. The transmitted power of the phones would have to be much, much larger, since it’s not focused on the popcorn.


Google also tells me that Zapperz beat me to the punch here.

Update: It looks like I overestimated the water content by a factor of about 5 (see link in comment 2; I assume medium-large kernels, though, not small. Orville has standards). Doesn’t change the overall answer. It takes my microwave oven ~3.5 minutes to pop my popcorn. A few hundred Watts for a (few) hundred kernels so let’s call it 1 Watt per kernel for 270-330 seconds (onset of popping is at about 2.5 minutes). That matches up pretty well with the numbers above, which we now know are overestimated. I see no reason to hypothesize that only infinitesimal boiling is happening.

Lance Armstrong, Homer Simpson. Homer Simpson, Lance Armstrong.

Tour de Donuts

The object? Consume as many donuts as you can during the “stages” to gain a time bonus. The final stage is a staggered start hill climb up the notorious Torrey Pines Hill. Each donut consumed is worth 30 seconds on the clock during the hill climb and first person to the top wins the jersey the title “Gluttonous Champion” and bragging rights for a full year. Ex: Bob eats the most (10 donuts) while Jim eats only 9. In this case, Bob starts the hill climb first and Jim starts 30 seconds after him.

If it’s the Murderhorn, though, you must consume food that’s in bar form.

Yes, We Have No Bananas

Bananas are in a bunch of trouble

Panama disease – or Fusarium wilt of banana – is back, and the Cavendish does not appear to be safe from this new strain, which appeared two decades ago in Malaysia, spread slowly at first, but is now moving at a geometrically quicker pace. There is no cure, and nearly every banana scientist says that though Panama disease has yet to hit the banana crops of Latin America, which feed our hemisphere, the question is not if this will happen, but when. Even worse, the malady has the potential to spread to dozens of other banana varieties, including African bananas, the primary source of nutrition for millions of people.

Banana scientist? Can you get an actual degree in “banana science?”

Doo Wop

Dip, dip, dip, dip, dipping ethics for that superbowl party. (Sorry for the late notice) Or just file it away for the next party you go to.

Buffalo Hot Wing Dip
2 @8 oz. packages of softened cream cheese (i.e. 16 oz.)
1 cup chunky blue cheese dressing
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup Frank’s Hot Sauce

Cream all the above ingredients together.

Add 2 or 2 1/2 cups of coarsely chopped cooked chicken, mix everything together and spread in shallow baking dish. Bake at 350 degrees (F) for 30-40 minutes, or until it’s bubbling quite nicely. Serve with sturdy chips, as in Scoops or Ruffles.

I think the Pats will win, but I’m rooting for the Giants. I’m not a fan, per se, but I’ve always liked them. I’m a Dolphins fan, and the irony of 18-1 would be pretty sweet.