Odd Odds

I have an odd sense of humor, bordering on the macabre. OK, it’s pretty much an open border and I visit there often, because I don’t need a passport.

I read the results of the Kentucky Derby and the unfortunate news of Eight Belles. But because I don’t really follow horse racing much and when I hear about it always seems to be about an injury to a horse and how you deal with that, what flashed through my mind (along with Gary Larson’s cartoon about veterinary medicine, where the chapter on horse ailments was so easy) was along the lines of

The 3-1 favorite, Big Brown, won the 134th running of the Kentucky Derby Saturday in commanding fashion, paying $6.80. Eight Belles finished second and paid $10.60, and later buckled, collapsed and was euthanized, which went off at 26-1 and paid $52.50.

Random Nonphysics Link

Son-Of-A-Bitch Mouse Solves Maze Researchers Spent Months Building

The test subject, a common house mouse, briskly traversed the complicated wooden maze in under 30 seconds or, according to the study’s final report, roughly 1/8,789,258 as long as it took the lab to secure funding for the experiment.


“Had we obtained any usable data, perhaps that information would have led to the development of a cure for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s,” said Dr. William Eng, who led the team responsible for creating the maze. “What is unclear at this time is why this particular mouse had to be such a dick and render useless all the work we had put into this controlled behavioral experiment.”

So Many Conspiracies, So Little Time

The many-tentacled PZ over at Pharyngula explains why we need academic freedom…to question Newtonism

We’ve been lofting people into the sky for well over a hundred years, and quite often, they’ve fallen down. How many have died due to the tyranny of the gravity Newton put into the hands of conscienceless materialist scientists?

Oh, crap, he found out about the conspiracy. Things go up all the time, and yet no Newtonist will accept this evidence as against the existence of gravity! We always explain it away, hands a-waving, using buzzwords like “lift” and “buoyancy” to avoid admitting that gravity isn’t solidly established. We thought we were safe by declaring all these Newtonian things to be “laws” so they wouldn’t be questioned.

Time to make relativity and quantum mechanics even more incomprehensible.