Solar Sails and Squirrels

Over at the XKCD blag, Randall discusses solar sails and levitating squirrels. And he’s absolutely right — the Back-to-the-Futuresque 1.21 Gigawatts will levitate about a kg, assuming perfect reflection. Assuming absorption, you vaporize the squirrel in a couple of milliseconds.

(1 kg of water requires about 2.5 million Joules to boil away, starting at body temperature. Or not — the latent heat of vaporization is the dominant term)

I think the XKCD cartoons are often quite funny, BTW. A link, if by some odd chance you were unaware of them. I just got a new light box to replace my broken one. Must find time to draw cartoons.

Let's Geek It UP!

Mar 14th is “Talk like a physicist day,” and there’s a blog dedicated to it. Of course, I’ll be doing so anyway, because that’s what I do. My suggestion is to get familiar with some jargon, and substitute it for smaller words whenever and wherever possible. That’s what we do.


(Of course Mar 14th is also Einstein’s birthday and “Pi day” in the US)

Via Cocktail Party Physics