The Discovery of Chaos

Lorenz and the Butterfly Effect

Lorenz soon found that his error was a seemingly trivial one. He had rounded the numbers he wrote down to three decimal places, while the computer stored values to six decimal places. Simply rounding to the nearest thousandth had created a tiny error that propagated throughout the system, creating drastic differences in the final result. This is the origin of the term “butterfly effect”, where infinitesimal initial inputs can cause huge results. Lorenz had discovered the first chaotic dynamical system.

Sucking the Marrow Fun Out of Life Monopoly

Scientific Proof Of How To Beat Someone’s Ass At Monopoly

Ever build up a hotel on the greens, nearly bankrupting yourself in the process, and then sit and wait while your friend misses it again and again and again? Or when he lands on GO TO JAIL and gets all smug about staying there for three turns? “I’m just gonna relax.” God, what a dick. Clearly, the best strategy is to buy the oranges, build them up first, then have enough capital to buy and build the greens. If you do that, you get the money and the power and the woman.