A project investigating a different way to present math and manipulate mathematical information, leveraging today’s technology.
The power to understand and predict the quantities of the world should not be restricted to those with a freakish knack for manipulating abstract symbols.
We are no longer constrained by pencil and paper. The symbolic shuffle should no longer be taken for granted as the fundamental mechanism for understanding quantity and change. Math needs a new interface.
The site contains an interesting premise — the problems with math instruction aren’t limited to the methodology (a problem pointed out in any number of Vi Hart videos), but also the material itself:
school math is useless, kills inspiration and curiosity, is mind-numbingly tedious, makes no connections to anything, and is forgotten immediately after the test. It’s all negative.
which is also often true of science instruction.
Make sure not to miss
— The animations in the section “A Possibly Embarrassing Personal Anecdote,” which are pretty neat — as visualization of the integral, but also an intriguing visualization of an equation
— The video Interactive Exploration of a Dynamical System, which shows a model of a predator-prey system and the ways one can manipulate the equations to visualize how the variables behave.