Taking the Wrong Root

The root of the climate email fiasco

When I read that, I was struck by the gulf between our worlds. To those of us who clamoured for freedom of information laws in Britain, FoI requests are almost sacred. The passing of these laws was a rare democratic victory; they’re among the few means we possess of ensuring that politicians and public servants are answerable to the public. What scientists might regard as trivial and annoying, journalists and democracy campaigners see as central and irreducible. We speak in different tongues and inhabit different worlds.

I know how it happens. Like most people with a science degree, I left university with a store of recondite knowledge that I could share with almost no one. Ill-equipped to understand any subject but my own, I felt cut off from the rest of the planet. The temptation to retreat into a safe place was almost irresistible. Only the extreme specialisation demanded by a PhD, which would have walled me in like an anchorite, dissuaded me.

I have to disagree with this. I don’t think that scientists see sharing of information as trivial and annoying. I think scientists see bureaucracy as trivial and annoying. Anything that stands in the way of doing science is usually seen as trivial and annoying. Training seminars, miscellaneous paperwork, silly and ineffectual rules imposed by the administration, IT, procurement, etc. are seen as trivial and annoying. The fun part of a scientist’s job is the science. We put up with crap, which can comprise the majority of our time, for the benefit of the time spent doing the science. Sharing data with a collaborator? Sure. Sharing data with someone will sift through it in an effort to cherry-pick some bit so that they can come to the opposite conclusion of what the data really say? IOW, somebody not doing science? I fully appreciate the resentment on the imposition of time and effort one might feel. I don’t condone efforts to break the law, but running it by the administration to see if it can be excluded as invalid, or any other loophole? I understand that tactic.

I also disagree with the sentiment that a science degree (and an undergraduate one at that) leaves one “Ill-equipped to understand any subject but my own.” If a science- or technology-related degree leaves you ill-equipped to understand a different science discipline, dear god, where does that leave someone who majors in the humanities or social sciences? I just don’t see that as being the case. What I do see is that some people are ignorant of science and proud of it, and others who want to be spoon-fed the science and aren’t willing to put forth any effort to learn the basics, so that we have a common ground for discussion.

Monbiot discusses the closed world of science, and how “There are no rewards for agreeing with your colleagues, tremendous incentives to prove them wrong.” This is absolutely true, and yet anyone familiar with political controversy over scientific issues knows that this is a message not getting out to the masses, so I’m not sure what the point is. Conspiracy and groupthink accusations abound in the global warming arena, and in almost all areas of science where there is dissent. Since there are basically no areas of science free of dissenters, dissent is not evidence of error. Consensus is the norm, unlike what the anti-AGW camp would have you believe.

Where I do agree with Monbiot is that getting the word out could see improvement; scientists could do a better job of engaging and explaining things to the public. This might be a tough sell, because it’s time away from doing science, and most scientists aren’t trained to do it. Gee, if only we had people who were trained in communication skills who could take the baton. But many journalists aren’t up to the task, because they lack the science skill set the scientists have, often don’t check to see that they are correct, or they want to present “both sides” of a story that doesn’t really have two sides; they end up giving credibility to positions that lack scientific merit.

Then comes the shot at higher education. It’s the schools’ fault. There may be some merit to that, when schools teach facts at the expense of the process of thinking. Given the title of the piece, I thought there would be more discussion on this.


Even if we could fix these problems, the cynic in me (he was delicious) asks, “to what end?” The reason I know that better communication and education of the public isn’t really the holy grail is that we have examples of this already. People have known for decades that smoking is bad for you, and yet people still smoke. Ditto for eating junk food. There are behaviors that are driven by something other than the logic of one’s well-being a few decades off in the future. I want a smoke or some cheese fries. Doctors — eh, what do they know? Statistics about what might happen later on are too much of an abstraction. Driving cars and cranking up the air conditioning on a hot day are what we want now, so it’s too easy to justify a dismissal of science, if one is offered to us. Even if it’s a lie or a rationalization. Most of the opponents of scientific endeavors aren’t going to be swayed by information — the facts. You can’t use logic and reason to dissuade someone who arrived at their position via emotional or ideological means.

The $64,000 Question

($64,000 being “big money” ages ago, before anyone who wanted to be a millionaire had a chance to be able to become one via a game show)

The context of the quote is really not all that important, though if you read the article in which it appears, an opponent of the recent U.S. healthcare legislation admits he’s unfamiliar with all the details he’s opposing. He says, “I can’t tell you exactly what the deal is.”

Then comes the money shot:

If you can’t tell us exactly what the deal is, why are you opposing it and fighting against it?

This applies to pretty much everyone who is in opposition to some scientific tenet, and especially to situations where the argument has gotten political. Anti-relativity cranks? They don’t understand relativity — invariably they will insist on a preferred reference frame or absolute simultaneity. Screw nature and what we actually observe. Quantum theory? Nah, God doesn’t play dice. Everything secretly really has a trajectory. My classical solution is just as good at solving this one problem. QM just can’t work that way, experimental evidence be damned. Evolution? Nope, the world is just 6000 years old. I’ve got a book that says so, Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs and besides, evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics. Global warming? Bzzzt. Inhofe built an igloo after it snowed in Washington DC. It hasn’t warmed since 1995. Besides, Al Gore is fat.

This is painfully common — some of the loudest, angriest critics of the Affordable Care Act are also some of the least informed, most confused, embarrassingly ignorant observers anywhere. In this case, Cassell has become a national joke because he’s repulsed by a health care reform plan that he fully admits he doesn’t understand.

It’d be funny if it weren’t so pathetic

This turns into a template

This is painfully common — some of the loudest, angriest critics of the [Area of Science] are also some of the least informed, most confused, embarrassingly ignorant observers anywhere. In this case, [Name] has become a national joke because he’s repulsed by a scientific theory that he fully admits he doesn’t understand.

It’d be funny if it weren’t so pathetic

And that’s so true. It is pathetic that people can oppose something they don’t understand. They just know it’s wrong, dammit; who cares if they’re tilting at windmills? That they’ve been lied to, and they uncritically accepted (and perpetuate) the lie, because they can’t be bothered to think and/or become informed. We’re tempted to laugh, but there’s that sickening thought that these people vote, and the people they vote for think they can reshape scientific truth by decree, in order to align it with some ideology they possess.

So try and reveal the real truth of the matter:

Ask them what the deal is, and if they can’t tell you exactly what the deal is, ask them why they are opposing it and fighting against it. I fear it will do little good with people who refuse to think or become informed, but it’s worth shot.

A Different Kind of Science

Not everybody gets to do tightly controlled experiments in the lab. It’s still science, though (provided you do it right). Can you apply it to the study of history? Jared Diamond and James A. Robinson think you can.

Natural experiments: Working in the history lab

In Snow’s case the difficulty was not that manipulative controlled experiments were impossible or illegal, but that they were immoral. In other sciences, manipulative controlled experiments are impossible, so, for example, astronomy, evolutionary biology, epidemiology and historical geology all use natural experiments. If you are studying planets, volcanoes or glaciers, you cannot manipulate them. The same goes for dinosaurs or other things that existed or happened in the past, so manipulative experiments are ruled out in such historical sciences as palaeontology, too. In social sciences such as economics, political science and sociology, manipulative, controlled experiments are ruled out on all three grounds – they are either impossible, or they are immoral or illegal. Investigators have no choice but to test hypotheses using naturally occurring experiment-like variations.

Yet there is one field where natural experiments could be used but seldom are: most historians resist them. That is odd because, after all, many of the sciences that use natural experiments are deeply historical.

Science as Art

Science graphs and figures as art.

The Large Hadron Colander

This is a tumblr mostly for images and diagrams from papers. This way I read more papers, and have something pretty to look at when I am done. Science can be art.

Also, sometimes I post pictures of manatees. I have no self control.

Update: more science-as art-sites

Science Is Beauty
Fresh Photons

(Weird. I got these links in a comment in the moderation queue, but when I went to approve it, the comment did not appear. But the links remain, like the Cheshire Cat’s smile.)