13 Crazy Examples of Why English is the Most Hilarious Language to Learn
And don’t fall for the con man selling you the sham poo.
13 Crazy Examples of Why English is the Most Hilarious Language to Learn
And don’t fall for the con man selling you the sham poo.
A post over at The Quantum Pontiff reminded me of these mildly dyslexic terms in the title, one of which gets corrected at Google.
(I wonder, do dyslexics read “dyslexia” as “daily sex,” as in “I suffer from daily sex?”)
Aussie Laser-Pointer Ban in New South Wales.
No mention if there is a power threshold. (see update, below)
Legitimate users, like astronomy enthusiasts, will have to apply for prohibited weapons permits.
That’s right, mate. You’ll need a frikkin’ carry permit for your laser pointer (especially if it’s mounted on the head of an endangered shark). “Roscoe” and “heater” are taken as nicknames for guns. What street name can we give a laser pointer? What about slogans? “When laser pointers are outlawed, only outlaws will have laser pointers” doesn’t quite cut it.
Hard to imagine using a laser pointer could affect the patellar tendon in this way. No, not really that hard, I guess.
Update: one article mentions class 3 and 4 lasers. Class 3R includes lasers less than 5 mW. Of course, with beam divergence, a laser that is dangerous in close proximity does not present the same danger at a distance.
Gordon Watts has become The Margin Lady (and that’s a sequel to the original margin lady story).
One of the things Iām responsible? Make sure the figures are done right. Make sure everyone uses the same units. Make sure everyone is printing on A4 paper. Make sure the margins are right!
I am the margin lady! Shoot me now!
I’ve bet on the over/under for hyphens added to documents I’ve sent in for review. And I recall going into the “Yeah, we got that” store, asking for A4 paper, and being told that they didn’t carry it. (I ended up buying it on my trip across the pond to the conference. The remaining supply is carefully guarded in an undisclosed location)
As for the original Margin-Lady interaction in grad school, I had my tangles with her, including an omission on the copyrights page, which needed to include the phrase “all rights reserved,” despite another page in the submission package where I was required to sign away my copyright, so it made no sense to include the phrase. Of course, logic is a puny weapon against bureaucracy.
So, I’m off to the park a little later on today …
I notice a slowdown in blog posts this weekend. I wonder if anyone has investigated the posting habits of US bloggers as it correlates with the weekend before April 15, which is tax day in the US. I did most of my heavy lifting a few weeks ago, and finished up the last hour or so of details yesterday.
I promise not to depreciate non-taxable items brought forth from the previous tax year!
U.S. Tax system disrupts Casual Friday at Cognitive Daily
It’s Too Warm to be Doing Taxes
One of the Usual Suspects – I’m sick of doing taxes.
The Weekend Daily Dog: All better now. …the way I felt earlier today while doing taxes
Doing taxes are the death of me
Twitter Updates for 2008-04-12 Doing taxes – yay!
taxes suck
That’s just a few, and not counting anybody who didn’t bother to blog about it, because they were too busy doing their taxes.