Mock 1

Which is, of course, the speed of sarcasm

Can you guess which is the real article title? arXiv vs snarXive

I converged to 63% after 30 guesses

The snarXiv is a random high-energy theory paper genera­tor incorporating all the latest trends, entropic reasoning, and exciting moduli spaces. The arXiv is similar, but occa­sionally less random.

via the holy one

Google in Freefall

Google Gravity

This apparently does not work in IE, though finding that some functionality doesn’t work in IE is not all that surprising.

Even after the gravity kicks in, you can still type in the search window.

Next Up, the Behemyth

I think a larger version of this should be called the Leviatron

You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

Neat, even with the overindulgence of “let’s enclose this in a tube to prove there are no wires.” Two things, though. 1) It’s not antigravity 2) The blurb about torque isn’t right — it’s not that the spinning exerts a torque, it’s that the spinning means there is angular momentum. You need a torque to change angular momentum, and the torque present because of the same-facing poles is not enough to flip the top. Just like gravity exerts a torque, but cannot flip the spinning top, either.