Define Your Terms

There’s quite a bit of physics/science terminology that is defined in a way that doesn’t jibe (or is essentially opposite) of the everyday use of the word, like coincidence. But even within science, different disciplines will interpret terms differently, because of the conventions and anticipated results.

Bandwidth and Community Expectations over at Uncertain Principles.

[W]hether a femtosecond laser is a single-frequency source or a broad-band source really depends on what the expectations of your particular research community are. By the standards of chemistry, it’s incredibly narrow, but for laser spectroscopy types, it’s comically broad.

There’s more. Typically, to a physicist, the Gamma ray portion of the spectrum is comprised of photons that comes from nuclear interactions and X-rays come from atomic interactions, while astronomers tend to use an arbitrary cutoff of 1 MeV to distinguish these from each other.