My New Best Friend

NFL TV Distribution maps

Maps showing what games are scheduled to be televised in that area.

What do the grey areas mean?
Welcome to the world of blackout rules. The short answer is: no game at all. This can be due to one of two rules: a) no games can air at the same time as a local team’s home game on another network, or b) if a game is blacked out because it doesn’t sell out, the network with the doubleheader can only show one game. Don’t shoot the messenger, I think the rules are stupid too.

Preach it, brother. I’m glad the Redskins have improved to the point that they will have some prime-time games, because that means no blackout on Sunday.

via Daring Fireball

Bringing Home the Gold

From Google Maps to Gold Medal

Kristin Armstrong, who won gold in the Women’s Individual Time Trial in Road Cycling, got a GPS track when she rode the Beijing Olympic course in December of 2007

After returning home to Boise, Idaho, I exported the GPS data to several different formats, one of which I was able to launch with Google Earth. I was then able to trace the entire course from the comfort of my home half a world away and find a similar route to train on back in Boise. This capability along with having the elevation profile proved invaluable in my preparation for my Gold Medal race.

GPS relies on precise time, provided by some colleagues of mine, and knowing where the satellites are relative to the earth, which is aided by some other colleagues of mine. Woohoo! We won gold!